Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 752 Little Happiness Part 9

Chapter 752 Little Happiness Part 9
Get up, pass him, walk into the room, pull open the cabinet, then come out, and hand the exquisitely packed box with both hands to him.

The same night, the same snow, the same woman.

However, at this moment, she has grown up.

Yes, the scene in front of him reminded him of ten years ago.

How could Yu Shaofan say that her love was not worth his four months?

If he told Yu Shaofan that his love for Jie Yiyi was three times that of their love together, would he still dare to complain that she wasn't persistent enough?
He is not eligible!

"Yan Yifeng, MerryChristmas!"

Gift, she doesn't know, does he like it or not?
They all say that love is like knitting a scarf. When knitting, one stitch is one thread.

But she wants to say.

As long as you take care of it carefully, it will not leave you, it will haunt you for a lifetime.

Bring you the warmth you want.

Yan Yifeng seemed to have binocular vision, he already knew what she was giving before opening the gift.

Of course, it can't be blamed that Jie Yiyi didn't hide the gift well.

But this scene happened ten years ago.

"Help me bring it!"

In previous winters, no matter how cold it was or how heavy the snow was, he would not wear other things on his body except black gloves.

But this time, it was different.

She sent it.

He thought he would carry it with him forever.

"Yan Yifeng, do you know what gift I gave you?" She asked in surprise.

The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, "Can you not know?"

On Christmas that year, she wrapped a scarf around him and told him: Yan Yifeng, as long as you take good care of it, it will stay by your side forever.

"Uh, you must have sneaked through my closet while I was away, that's why..."

Originally, I wanted to see the expression on his face when he received the gift and opened it. Obviously, what he expected had been strangled by him.

It's boring, okay?

"I'm like that kind of wretched person? You need to steal your cabinet to find out?"

Jie Yiyi asked him to open the gift, and then took out the scarf, which was a black scarf without patterns.

Because I knew in advance that Yan Yifeng likes simplicity, likes solid colors, and likes black too much, so, in order to make him like it, she had no choice but to satisfy him once.

"In my opinion, at least it is. Otherwise, how would you know? I beat the scarf secretly while you were away."

Stand on tiptoe and wrap around him.

Perhaps it was because she wove it with her own hands. The moment she wrapped it around his neck, he felt a warm current that he had never felt comfortable before, melting into his heart.

The fragrance from her body lingered in his heart all the time.

very warm.

good smell.

Very sweet.

very happy.

"Do you like it?" Her warm voice rang in his ears.

  Could he not like what she gave?

It's just that men love to pretend~B that's all.


 Jie Yiyi smiled, but she still had time to speak. His filling voice interrupted her, and she was so angry that she wanted to cut his neck. He said, "I like to hear your yelling."

Emma, ​​what kind of love is this?
(End of this chapter)

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