Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 833 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 833 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 46
She looked left and right, recalling the makeup artist, who handed her a necklace and said that she looked good with this outfit and the necklace, and she was so busy listening to other people's compliments that she forgot to be vigilant.

and so……

She thought that her plan was perfect, but she didn't expect it.

She still can't beat him!
  She thought that she had practiced for a year, attended banquets with those disgusting directors every day, talked about business, and played tricks, she thought she had already practiced to a certain extent.

Unexpectedly, compared to Yan Yifeng, he was too weak.

How could she be so stupid as to believe a call from a stranger?
But Yan Yifeng's person did not show any flaws.

They did pay her half the price, they did say, desperate for someone!

"Yan Yifeng, you're despicable!" Ai Shishi stared at the pair of loving lovers in front of her, she gritted her teeth, and even wanted to chew them up.

   Yan Yifeng paused.

   The corner of the mouth immediately evoked a sinister smile, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Being tied to the cold cross, Ai Shishi's heart was trembling, she struggled to get down, but it was useless, her iron chain seemed to grow on her body, no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless, she could only yell together, "Yan Yifeng, Jie Yiyi, I curse your son to be hit by a car on the way back..."

"Pa—" Yan Yifeng slammed the bowl tightly in her face towards her face. Just as she opened her mouth before she could say anything, the porcelain hit her teeth like this. Let her directly lose a few teeth.

How dare she curse his son?

Originally, he didn't want to do it so quickly.

But, he couldn't wait!

His cold eyes shot at the man in black as sharp as a knife, "Xiao Fang! Give her some color!"

  After not being sure that the baby really came back, Yan Yifeng didn't dare to treat her in a cruel way!
He would also be afraid that he would fall into her trap.

Xiao Fang didn't whip her, but went into the kitchen and put all the boiled oil into the water gun.

Then he stood in the distance and shot at Ai Shishi.

You may not know, what is the boiled oil used for?

Have you been scalded by boiling water?

  After being scalded by high-temperature boiling water, the hands are either red and swollen or peeled, this is for sure.

  The difference between boiled oil and boiled water is that the temperature of boiled oil is several times higher than that of boiled water.

It doesn't seem to be a problem, but for Ai Shishi, it's like pouring sulfuric acid.

The place where it was just shot immediately bubbled, and it was full of rotten pain.

"Ah——" Seeing her beautiful and fair skin, which became so swollen and blistered, Ai Shishi screamed, "It hurts, it hurts!"

   Hearing this voice, Jie Yiyi felt more and more uncomfortable in her heart, but compared to standing in front of her arrogantly, telling her that her son was kidnapped by her, and scolding her for being Kezi, she thinks that Ai Yiyi Everything that Shishi is enduring at this moment is due and unworthy of sympathy.

Sympathy for others gives others the opportunity to hurt themselves?
Do not……

  She would rather be more ruthless herself!

Xiao Fang ignored Ai Shishi's screams and continued to fire.

In just a few minutes, Ai Shishi's fair skin was completely unrecognizable, and there were big bubbles on her arms, face, neck, and chest.

Ai Shishi felt a burning pain all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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