Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 834 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 834 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 47
The soft body will be corrupted at any time.

Here, Yan Yifeng wiped the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth, not paying attention to Ai Shishi at all.

Throwing the paper towel into the trash can, he stroked Jie Yiyi's hair with his big palm, "You should rest, come back in a while, and I'll let Mama Feng carry you to your room."

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "No, I want to sit here and wait."

Although she already knew the whereabouts of Ai Shishi's partner, Jie Yiyi was also happy that she would see her son in a while, but for some reason, her heart still couldn't relax, she couldn't relax completely, as if there were still fragments stuck deep in her flesh, no Dial out the same.

"But you are still weak!" Yan Yifeng put on a beige hat for her.

It is said that women who have just given birth should not blow the air or go out, otherwise, once they are infected, it will be very troublesome in the future.

"It's been more than an hour. I think Bo An will be back soon. When the baby comes back, I won't be hospitalized anymore. I'll just stay at home and not go anywhere. Let's invite a professional doctor and a nanny to take care of the baby at home, okay?" ?”

Yan Yifeng nodded, agreeing.

At this time, Xiao Fang came to report, "Mr. Yan, Ai Shishi passed out!"


When standing in front of him, isn't she as proud as a peacock? Why can't she stand the toss?
"Wake her up with ice water, keep going!"

Yan Yifeng ordered coldly, Xiao Fang responded and continued to start.

Half an hour later.

Bo An brought Ai Shishi's partner to Yan's villa.

As soon as Jie Yiyi heard the sound of the car outside the door, she immediately stood up excitedly.

Because he was eager to see his son.

Regardless of her body, she stood up as quickly as possible, ready to run out.

Yan Yifeng stopped her waist and stopped, "Sit obediently."

Jie Yiyi's eyes were fixed on the door, and seeing Bo An escorting Ai Shishi's partner in, but there was no baby, she was excited, "Where is the baby?"

Bo An could understand Jie Yiyi's mood at the moment, because when he arrived at the destination, he couldn't find the baby, and he was even more anxious than she was at the moment.

He lowered his head, not daring to look up at them.

Yan Yifeng already felt that the situation was not good.

His icy eyes swept towards the criminals who had already been detained on the ground. They were submissive and panicked, fearing that Yan Yifeng would lose his temper and kill them immediately!
"Bo An, why are you standing here! Miss Jie asked you something, why don't you answer it quickly!"

Although the voice was majestic, some knew that at this moment, his heart trembled, because he didn't want to hear Bo An's answer.

Bo An lowered his head and spoke after a few seconds, "I'm sorry Mr. Yan, we were a step late. They said that the baby was picked up yesterday afternoon. The person who made the deal with Ai Shishi ,yes……"

He raised his head again, "The second young master of the Yan family, the man behind the scenes is the old man!"

"Ai Shishi worked as an AV actress in Japan in the first half of the year, and went to Europe in the second half of the year. She spent six days with the second master's nephew in the first half of the year. It may be at that time that she got close to the old man, and then returned to China. After losing the money in Hong Kong, she went back to S City to move the young master's idea, and then found a partner to trade the young master to the old man in a secret identity. However, from the beginning to the end, she didn't know that the trader was your father, Don't know his status in Europe."


Seeing Jie Yiyi whose face changed gradually, Yan Yifeng coldly interrupted Bo An's words.

It's fucking ridiculous.

It turned out that the mastermind who kidnapped his son was really none other than his father, the child's grandfather!

(End of this chapter)

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