Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 835 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 835 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 48

What a fucking irony.

It's not that he didn't think it was him.

Rather, he firmly believed that with their father-son relationship for so many years, he would not do such a great job!

Would not do such a ridiculous thing.

So when Jie Yiyi said he doubted him.

He decisively vetoed it, it wouldn't be him.

But the result?

He had a surprise for him, a big surprise!

Surprised, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

More than ten years ago, he forced his mother away because of his own interests, and made her mother miserable. He thought that he would feel guilty because of this, but unfortunately not, he became more profitable!Now kidnapped his son again!
Is he still human?
He and Jie Yiyi worked so hard, they didn't close their eyes almost all night, all they could think about was their son!Jie Yiyi even calls her son in her dreams.

He worked hard to find his son's whereabouts. He thought that today he could hold a banquet to celebrate, but what he didn't expect was that he was being tricked. Not only that, his father was like a cricket fighting, deliberately letting him go, picking~ Tease it a few times, then grab it back into the bottle and close it firmly.

It's ridiculous!
Ai Shishi, who was just woken up by the splash, had no strength to struggle anymore, but the rotten pain was spreading all over her body.

She was already sick, but when she heard Bo An's report, she immediately regained her spirits.

Regardless of the burnt bubbles on his mouth, he laughed gloatingly, "Ahaha, that's great! That's great! Heaven has eyes!"

"I really didn't expect that my trader turned out to be Yan Yifeng's father! Hahaha, if I knew it was him, my mother would definitely blackmail you, otherwise I wouldn't have to come back and blackmail you Yan Yifeng's money."

"However, I really want to die from laughing. People are not as good as heaven. I thought you, Yan Yifeng, were ruthless enough, but I didn't expect that your father is even more ruthless than you!"

"Retribution! This is all retribution! You hurt me, and now the gods will fight for me. Even if I, Ai Shishi, are dead, I am happy!"

"Because, what I can't get, Jie Yiyi, you don't even want to get it, haha! Yan Yifeng is really grateful to you, thank you for taking me back to Yan's house, this is really a wonderful show that cannot be missed, a good show... Well……"

Suddenly there was a piercing pain all over my body.

Immediately afterwards, the body became completely rigid.

Ai Shishi looked down and saw a white snake wrapped around her feet.

She, Ai Shishi, is not afraid of anything in her life, but what she is most afraid of is snakes.

Seeing the white snake sticking out its tongue, she was so startled that her jaw fell to the ground, she struggled quickly, trying to shake it off, but as soon as she moved, the snake retracted its tongue, aimed at her white thigh, and bit it hard.

Although this poisonous snake is not enough to kill people, but... Ai Shishi, who is afraid of snakes, has long since lost her color, and the smile has long since disappeared without a trace on her face, feeling as if her blood has been drained Same, numb all over.

"Go away! Take this disgusting thing away from me, take it away, don't let it get close to me!"

Ashley screamed.

Nobody paid any attention to her at all.

Jie Yiyi looked at Yan Yifeng, her heart was in the deep valley, she choked up, "Did he still do this, right? He really made a bet with your second uncle, she bet that I would leave you after giving birth, so, he wants Did you force me to leave you with the child? Yan Yifeng, you tell me, don’t you? You tell me, don’t you? He won’t return the child until I leave, right?”
"No! He can't use this cruel way to prevent me from being with you. I want him to return his son to me. I'm going to Europe."
PS: I'm sorry, because what I said affected your reading mood. I'm sorry, the author really shouldn't be nagging here, and there will be no such problems in the future. I can't update it for the time being when the menstrual period comes. I will make it up later. .

(End of this chapter)

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