Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 845 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 845 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 58
He was also surprised by the death of Jie Yiyi's mother and father.

The police said that he committed suicide by taking poison. At first he also thought so, but after further investigation, he found out that it was not like this!
Jiang Yang and Huang Fulan abandoned their family relationship because Jie Yiyi chose love. They couldn't fall asleep during those few nights, and Jiang Yang took two sleeping pills... Huang Fulan also took it, but because of this, they never woke up again. Come!

Because the bottle of medicine they took was switched!

When Yan Yifeng learned of this situation, he was angry and immediately went to his father, but Yan Yan did not admit that he did it...

Yan Yifeng knew that if Jie Yiyi knew the truth, he would definitely not be able to accept it, so he chose to leave him... He struggled with it for a long time on his own before he made such a decision and forged such a diary.

He thought that this would become his eternal secret, but the paper still couldn't contain the fire, she knew...and he panicked.

He admits that... he is selfish.

  Yan Yifeng's words made her burst into tears. She stared at him with disbelief in her eyes. She had shared his bed with him for so long, and only now did she realize that he was not as clear as a mirror to her. He's lying, he's keeping secrets!
What about a good confession?

  "If I say, I will!" She didn't know how long it took before a sound came out of her throat.

She didn't know what kind of strength supported her, who was frail, she stood up from the wheelchair, and walked towards him step by step with heavy and complicated steps, with disappointment on her pale face, "But, But you didn't tell me the truth! You are afraid that I will leave you, so what about now? Are you not afraid that I will leave you if you are exposed by lies? "

Yan Yixi, who was standing beside him, felt his chest tighten when he heard these words. He looked at Jie Yiyi and her weak heart, with various complicated emotions in his heart.

It is as painful as being cut by thousands of knives.

Because that medicine...he gave it to his father...for so many years with his father, he did this kind of thing not once or twice, but if that time, he knew that the target was Jie Yiyi's parents, he would stop it !
   Yan Yifeng's deep eyes darkened a bit, he grabbed her shoulders, and said in a heavy tone, "No...you promised me that no matter what happens, you will never leave me!"

His tense and excited emotions came from his scorching hands.

She looked at him and remained silent.

She always thought that their grievances from the previous generation would be resolved in this generation. She always thought that as long as she persisted, Strictness would accept her one day. She thought that the relationship between her and Yan Yifeng was as clear as white paper, and she thought that , They can really grow old together.

She thought a lot, but in the end, it couldn't become a reality. It was just a thought, wasn't it?
"I don't care about forever, I only care about what I once owned! Little girl, in fact, I am not cruel to you. At least you and Afeng have memories. I didn't kill you all. You don't have Afeng. You still have a son to rely on , if you choose Afeng, then the price must be beyond your imagination!"

   "You and Afeng have no fate, and you are destined not to fall in love together."

The hand pinched on Jie Yiyi's shoulder suddenly tightened a bit, Yan Yifeng shot his cold eyes at the characters on the wall, and growled angrily, "Old man! Do you want us to tear up the relationship between father and son? Do you want us to break the relationship between father and son? Are you at a dead end? I~he~mother will tell you Jie Yiyi's decision now, she loves me and will be together for the rest of her life, you should give up the idea of ​​breaking us up as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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