Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 846 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1.

Chapter 846 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 58.
When he said this, Yan Yifeng's eyes and voice were full of longing.

He hoped to see a nod and affirmative answer from Jie Yiyi.

It's a pity that everything is not as wonderful as he imagined. Jie Yiyi sneered, pushed him away, and looked at Yan Yan, "No... just like you said, what right do I have to care about eternity? I don't have Yan Yifeng, I I still have a son to rely on, why don't I feel content?"

"In order not to let me get pregnant with Yan Yifeng's child, my mother aborted the child in my stomach regardless of my feelings, and my father, in order to hide that he was still alive in this world, set fire to the apartment. Michelle tried everything to get Yan Yifeng A way to frame me, and Ai Shishi..." She looked at Ai Shishi who had passed out from being abused by the snake, and smiled ironically, "For revenge, she also tossed herself all over with bruises. When they did these things, I thought, They are the most disgusting and contemptible lunatics in this world, but now, when you appear, what they do is simply weaker than what you do! You are simply the lunatics among lunatics! "

Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Jie Yiyi raised her eyes and looked at the man standing beside her. She said in a firm tone, "Didn't you keep asking me who would I choose between my son and you? Didn't I answer?" ?I think... I have the answer now, and I'll tell you now!"

There is a dull pain in her heart, but at this moment, she can only make such a choice, isn't it?

She couldn't accept the strict killing of her parents, she couldn't accept that a person she loved so much lied to her, she couldn't accept the days without a son, and she couldn't accept that everyone around her was in front of her eyes disappear……

It's not that I don't love.

Rather, they have no conditions to love each other at all.

So many things have happened recently, her heart and brain are now in a mess, the baby's crying echoes in her ears, and in her mind, the pale and unwilling faces of her parents when they died.

Her heart, as if a big hole had been cut open, could not beat;
Her throat seemed to be pinched by a big hand, and she couldn't breathe.

Expectation flashed across Yan Yifeng's face first, and then, he seemed to find the answer from her eyes, flustered!

He took a step forward to hug her and stop her from speaking, but unfortunately, she was a little too late, and she had already spoken, "Yan Yifeng, let me and my son go!"

"It's too dangerous to be with you. One day, my son and I will die at the hands of your father and son!"

"You and your love are only a bridge away, and we will reach the end. I thought that I could be very strong and brave and walk towards you, but do you know? A bridge that seems complete It is the danger zone in our life. No matter where I go, there are thousands of knives and arrows shooting at me. I dodge this knife, but I can't dodge that arrow. No matter how fast I run, I can't get there. At the end, you looked at me with a smile on your hands, but you didn't see that I was already covered in bruises..."

Yan Yi is crazy!This was the answer he didn't want to hear the last time. With cold eyes, the suffocation in his body enveloped him layer by layer, and he interrupted with dignity, "Jie Yiyi!"

Jie Yiyi's eyes were stained with a faint mist, she was deceiving herself when she saw Yan Yifeng nodding, she suppressed a smile and looked at Yan Yan, "So, please return your son to me!"

PS: @゛crazy is going to be crazy enough to be unique 〢 dear, I don't know when I deleted your comment?Now it seems that there is no function to delete readers’ comments. I don’t know when I dragged it. I did go home a few days ago because I didn’t want to write.Come back now, the update has been slowly resumed, sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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