Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 847 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 847 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 59
Hearing Jie Yiyi's words, Yan Yan finally suppressed the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time in his heart, and was replaced by Shu Chang.

His goal was finally achieved.

He stopped them from being together!Snow Lotus probably wants to see such a scene, right?

In his heart, he laughed so arrogantly.

"Okay!" He agreed strictly and straightforwardly.

Yan Yifeng looked at Jie Yiyi in astonishment, "What did you say?"

"..." Jie Yiyi remained silent.

   Yan Yifeng's nerve line was pulled up, he didn't care how fragile Jie Yiyi was now, pinching her shoulder, he seemed to hear the most unreal sentence in the world, which made him want to repeat, repeat Ask, "Are you going to give up on me?!"

When he asked this sentence, his heart trembled.

   Looking at her eyes that once shed tears for him, looking at her little face that was filled with happiness for him, looking at her little mouth that used to chatter because she was dissatisfied with him...

But now, there is nothing, only a touch of indifference lingering back and forth on her face, which makes him feel strange, as if the distance between them has changed from close at hand to far away in a second.

If he could, he wanted to... make her dumb so she wouldn't hear what he didn't want to hear.

He originally thought that when he asked that sentence, she would hesitate a little and say, no, I don't want to give up on you, but...

But fantasy is always crueler than reality, she nodded and gave an affirmation, "Yes! I'm going to give up on you!"

  He, Yan Yifeng, has always had no hearing problems, but at this time, he insisted that there was something wrong with his ears, and he insisted that he had heard wrong, so he smiled and took the thin and small her into his arms, "I know you won't leave I!"

At this time, the room was very quiet, only the sound of each other's bleeding was left.

The masculine breath that secretes hormones rushes forward, making Jie Yiyi obsessed. If possible, she hopes that time will be frozen at this moment forever. Whether it will become a portrait or a statue admired by others, she is willing to fall in front of him forever. In her arms, but there was nothing, his powerful arms, his ups and downs of breathing, and her heart, which had already been sobbing, told her that these were not nightmares, this was a reality that was a hundred times crueler than nightmares.

She fought back the sour tears and her attachment to his embrace, and pushed him away, "I will."

"Jie Yiyi!!" Yan Yifeng roared, and a violent voice rang out in the hall, waking Ai Shishi up. She opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw this scene, she laughed happily and excitedly, "Wonderful!" ! It’s really exciting!!”

But no one paid any attention to Ai Shishi's words, Yan Yifeng continued, "Are you going to give up on me for your son?"

"You want to give up on me for him?! Hmm?!"

No wonder when his son was born, he had an ominous premonition. It turned out that the son was sent by God to break them up!

  He followed her for 12 years!
His every move, he converged in his eyes.

Although it was only a year ago that he started to get revenge on her and fell in love with her.

  But how can he imagine that if it is not love, how could he pay attention to a person for 12 years?
They have the crystallization of love, their happy world is envied, their love is like glue, even if they melt, they are still together, and to him, separation is simply like removing the battery from the remote control, removing the buttons from the shirt, and leaving the table. Without chopsticks, there is no sunshine in the world of flowers and plants, no water in the world of fish, and no breath in human life.

(End of this chapter)

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