Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 848 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 1

Chapter 848 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 1
Yes, they hadn't seen each other since that farewell!In this way, the two became strangers overnight.

In the past three years, Jie Yiyi took a son with him. He started to work in a fashion design company. He got up earlier than chickens and went to bed later than dogs every day. He lived on a little salary and took care of the baby. Jie Yiyi is very self-motivated, and after more than a year, she opened a small clothing design shop by herself, and has already made some achievements.

In the past, she took her son with her to work and after get off work. Although it was hard work, she felt that her life was very fulfilling, which allowed her to forget some painful things.

Now Jie Sichen is gradually growing up. Having inherited his father's genes, he can walk at six months, start talking at seven months, know multiplication formulas at two years old, and already know most of the subjects in elementary school at three years old.

In fact, Jie Yiyi is busy every day, and there is no extra time to teach him these things, but every time he is brought to the studio, he turns on the cartoon on the computer to kill his time. The child counts the results, perhaps he learned from there.

  Ge Sichen is sometimes mischievous and sometimes sensible. Seeing him growing up day by day, she feels relieved in her heart.

The days passed like this, on the surface Jie Yiyi was living well, but in fact, almost every night, she would think of the day they separated three years ago.

Whenever she thinks about it, her heart starts to ache.

  I vaguely remember that it was a cloudy day, and the originally bright sunshine was shrouded in dark clouds.

At that time, she was sitting on the ground wearing clothes, and his words, let's go, made her more determined to want her son instead of him.

After putting on her clothes, she looked back at his bloody arm. At that time, she had just been tossed by him, and she should have hated him, but when she saw him hurt, for some reason, her heart ached more than her own injuries.

  She looked at him for a long time, and finally dragged her tired body to the cabinet, took out the medicine box, and gave him medicine.

During this period, he kept his head tilted out of the window, neither looking at her nor refusing her to bandage him.

At that time, she was very weak, her hands and feet were trembling, but she still persisted and insisted on completing it.

  About half an hour later, after the dressing was finished, she packed up the ointment, glanced at the sheets, and walked out of the room.

He walked out and sat on the bed~Yan Yifeng, who was silent on the bed, suddenly opened his mouth. He looked at her back and said, "Wait!"

Jie Yiyi didn't want to stop, but her footsteps stopped incessantly, and she looked back at him.

At this time, he had already got off the bed~, he walked towards this side with strides, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms...

Hehe... At least for a moment, she thought so, she thought he still had something to say to her, she thought that he wanted to hold her tightly in his arms because he couldn't bear her to leave.

If at that moment, he said, Jie Yiyi, don't let me go, let's move forward together, and get back our son together, then maybe, she would nod and agree.

It's a pity that all that was just her fantasy. He didn't want to hug her, but... He took off the necklace she was wearing around her neck.

That necklace, which Zhong Guifang couldn't get off with iron tongs, just like that, he took it off with a light touch, and when the necklace was removed from her neck, she really understood that there was a real relationship between them. It's just a game, if he doesn't call to stop, she is not qualified to withdraw from his world, if he calls to stop, she wants to continue, but she can no longer squeeze into his world...

(End of this chapter)

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