Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 849 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 2

Chapter 849 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 2
Yan Yifeng took off the necklace, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then raised his hand and threw it out of the window.

Seeing that the necklace that she had been wearing for more than a year suddenly disappeared from her neck, Jie Yiyi touched her neck, and only when she realized that there was no sense of its existence did she feel that she was so unaccustomed to it.

She thought that she could control her emotions well, but no, there was a teardrop in her stubborn eyes.

"Didn't you say that you won't take back what you gave away? That necklace was given to me by you, so it is mine. You are not qualified to take it back! You are not qualified to throw it away!" She said hoarsely. .

   Yan Yi's calm voice pierced her chest and neck like a knife, "You have given up on me, what are you keeping it for? Don't you think you can only be a son? You still care, I Something for you? Heh...don't make a joke!"

"What I, Yan Yifeng, will not take back, but it also depends on whether the other party has the qualifications to own it forever, otherwise, I would rather throw it into the trash can than spoil it on you!"

"Xin, too! Remember, it wasn't you who abandoned me, but I, Yan Yifeng, who abandoned you! You can get out!"

After finishing these words, she didn't allow Jie Yiyi to leave any more emotions, and ruthlessly pushed her out of the room.

He said, remember, it was not you who abandoned me, but I, Yan Yifeng, who abandoned you!
At first she thought it was just angry words, but it wasn't until so many years later that she realized that Yan Yifeng was really a vigorous and resolute person, he...he did what he said!
Since she left, he never looked for her again.

She doesn't remember how she got out of Yan's house that day, nor does she remember how Yan Yan sent someone to hand over her son.

All she knew was that she had nothing but her son!

Mama Feng and the servants of Yan's family called her to stay behind. Although she didn't look back, she knew that they didn't want to part with her because she heard loud crying behind her.

However, she also knew that there was a pair of cold eyes watching her from behind, and she wanted to look back, but she didn't after all, so she gritted her teeth and left Yan's house.

She didn't know what Yan Yifeng felt when he watched her leave Yan's house at that time. If she was not so stubborn, stopped and looked back, then Yan Yifeng would find the necklace for her and bring it back. Back to her neck?
she does not know.

All she knew was that it was over!
Although there is no him, although he will still be missed, the life is extremely comfortable, because she is not alone, and there will always be someone by her side.

   Leaving Yan's house that day and holding her son in her arms, she began to be confused as to what she should do. She had always stayed at Yan's house before, and she could just tell the servants what she wanted, but that was the first time she felt helpless , no money, no place to live, and the clothes she was wearing were still tattered, and she was walking on the street with a crying baby in her arms. Many passers-by thought she was crazy. She wanted to be stronger, but she was still weak after all. Yes, crying with the baby.

It seemed that at one o'clock in the night, a car crashed out of nowhere. At that time, she was unable to dodge and fell on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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