Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 852 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 5

Chapter 852 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 5
This is something she has never been able to do in her life. Jie Sichen never mentions his father, but whenever he sees children being picked up by their parents after school, his eyes will always show envy and longing.

When he first learned to speak, he would call his father's name, and he once asked her, why don't I have a father?

Seeing his innocent and pitiful little eyes at that time, her heart was broken, and she bowed her head in silence.

And Jie Sichen was very sensible and never asked her why he didn't have a father.

She told him that her father's name was Yan Yifeng, but she didn't tell him who her father was, where was her father, and why did she and her father separate?

Over time, Jie Sichen also developed a good habit of not asking about these things.

So even if Yan Yifeng's cover appeared on the headlines of the news, she was relieved, because her son didn't even know that he was his father!
Recalling this, Jie Yiyi's eyes turned red again, but when she thought of having a lovely son beside her, she smiled again.

Slowly put away the True love manuscript, a slight smile slowly appeared on the corner of her small mouth.

That day, he took off the necklace around her neck, and when she left Yan's house, she took off the ring and put it on the coffee table in the living room. Now all she has left is this manuscript and those little memories of the past.

The evening wind blew gently, and Jie Yiyi, who was sitting on the rocking chair, heard the movement in the room.

Jie Sichen woke up in a while without nestling in his mother's arms.

He was wearing a small cartoon pajamas, got off the bed lazily rubbing his dim eyes, and came to the balcony with bare feet, squinted at his mother, and then raised his wrist to look at his small cartoon watch , it's already late at night.

Seeing her baby wake up, Jie Yiyi hurriedly hid the manuscript of True Love behind her back, then stroked his black and naturally shaped hair, and said in a doting voice, "Why did Chen Chen wake up? Did Mommy wake you up?"

Unexpectedly, Jie Sichen's small body avoided, and there was a hint of anger on his pink and jade-carved face, and his cheeks were bulging, "How many times have I told you, when I come back from get off work, the first Kiss baby Chenchen first, then take a bath, drink a glass of milk good night, now it’s two o’clock in the night, and you are still sitting here at a 45-degree angle, half bright and half sad looking up, the stars and the moon are blushing, why are you so shy Looking at its home? If you don’t develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, do you want to be late for work, lose your job, and then let the lovely Chenchen live on the street, and then let a rich man take care of Chenchen, so that our mother and child will be separated? "

Speaking of this, the little guy's acting skills improved, and tears as hot as boiling water dripped from his round eyes, and he threw himself into Jie Yiyi's arms, "Chenchen should not be taken care of by rich people, Chenchen should not sit on a bicycle and cry." Laughing in a BMW car, Chenchen doesn’t want servants around 24 hours a day, Chenchen doesn’t want burgers, toys, Chenchen doesn’t want to travel to Hawaii during summer vacation, pick up girls, Chenchen doesn’t want to go to painting classes, Chenchen doesn’t want to be with Ke’er At the same table, Chenchen wants a mom with an IQ below 50."

The little guy finished these words in one go.

Jie Yiyi originally wanted to apologize or something, but when the partner said that, Jie Yiyi was stunned.

This three-year-old child, how can he understand so many popular sentences, and he can still support her... Uh, how much does the last sentence dislike her?Her IQ can't be that low, can she? - - This brat is pure nonsense, and burgers, toys, and going to Hawaii to sit at the same table with Kerr have always been what he has been clamoring for?Dare this guy mean to imply that if he loses his job, he will find a rich man to take care of her?

(End of this chapter)

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