Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 853 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 6

Chapter 853 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 6
Thinking of this, the sensitive nerves in Jie Yiyi's heart seemed to be slightly pulled by something, and it hurt a little.

Looking at her son nestled in her arms, Jie Yiyi lowered her head and gently kissed his tender cheeks. At first, she wanted to say that he was being realistic, but after thinking about it, what he said was indeed true. She said it almost every night While Chen Chen fell asleep, and then sat here to recall the past, the stars and the moon were shyly looked at by her...

Didn't they all say that thinking about the one you love makes you feel cold?Why is she not only not feeling cold, but also becoming more and more obsessed with this feeling?
   It's strange, in the past three years, he has had a lot of scandals, and each topic can make her heartache for a long time, but for some reason, she will miss him endlessly, maybe as time goes by, whether he likes her or not It really doesn't matter who he is with, the important thing is that she likes him, and that kind of liking has nothing to do with whether he likes her in the past, now, or in the future.

Every time she hugs her son and smells the scent of milk on his body, she always thinks of Yan Yifeng being jealous when she breastfeeds her son in the hospital after giving birth...

Although she was so angry that she was speechless, but... that kind of happiness was real.

He cared about her, so much that he would even eat his son's jealousy!

Forget it, don't think about it, it's all in the past... thinking about it makes me cry.

"Mommy promised Chenchen that she will officially go to bed at eleven o'clock in the future?"

"From tomorrow on, mom will work hard to make money, buy a car and a house for Chenchen, travel to Hawaii, and share the same table with Ke'er... I don't want to, and Mommy can't help it either!"

Speaking of Hawaii, the poor little guy who stayed in her arms just a second ago, his eyes lit up immediately, and he poked his head out of Jie Yiyi's arms to look at her, "Really?"

Do you know why Chenchen is so happy when he hears about Hawaii?Because that was the gossip he bought with a lollipop. This summer, Ke'er will also go to Hawaii.

Ke'er is the prettiest one in the kindergarten. She is two years older than him. She likes to dance and sing, but she is a quiet type. She doesn't like to talk and talk to others.

In kindergarten, Jie Sichen's family is not considered wealthy, but... I have to say that he inherited his father's genes, and he has the temperament of a young master. Although he is a bit mischievous, his cleverness and eccentricity make people like him , and, he has a face that is almost the same as Yan Yifeng's, which is simply a reduced version of Yan Yifeng, so this makes more people like him...

But I just can't hold Ke'er's heart.

Jie Sichen was only three years old, although he basically knew the homework for elementary school, logically speaking, he could go to elementary school when he was old enough.

But Jie Yiyi wanted to give him a complete childhood. Although the current life is very difficult and poor, she still let her start from the kindergarten class. After only one month of schooling, this little guy clamored to enter the big class. Jie Yiyi was I had no choice but to apply to the kindergarten teacher. The teacher said that he was very smart, and he basically knew the homework of the small class, so he agreed to let him enter the big class.


The little guy told her that when Ke'er performed on stage on Children's Day, she was so beautiful and hooked his soul...

Children are ignorant, it's normal to like this and that, and Jie Yiyi didn't object, but just reminded him that he is two years older than you.

Chenchen waved his hand and said, the mother's father and mother's mother in the next class have been married for six years and have been together for 26 years. They are still divorced. The reason for the divorce is that mother's father fell in love with mother's uncle. They are happy together. "

"Uh..." Jie Yiyi's eyes widened, "Who did you hear that from?"

Chenchen's face was calm and calm, "Damn it!"

"So, as long as you really love each other, age is not a problem at all."

(End of this chapter)

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