Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 854 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 7

Chapter 854 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 7
 Jie Yiyi felt a little helpless, and asked him, "Do you know what it means to be in love? Chenchen is still young, so he should focus on his studies! If Chenchen studies well, many girls will like him!"

Jie Yiyi wanted to give him an ideological and political class, but in the end, the bear child waved his hands with a look of understanding, "Mum, you are well, I have my own sense of propriety, and I won't make their stomachs bigger!"

"..." A group of crows flew over Jie Yiyi's head, looking at the reduced version of Chenchen, she was thinking, did Yan Yifeng have the same personality as him when he was young?
  It turns out that he has been a romantic child since he was a child... Of course she did not allow her son to follow his route, and immediately changed a serious face, "Jeschen, where did you hear these things? If you dare to learn Bad, Mommy will throw you out of this window and never want you again!"

Uh... It's a bit far away, back to the topic, Chenchen was excited, thinking that he couldn't be at the same table with Ke'er, his little face immediately lowered pitifully, like a deflated balloon, "Mom Hey, the ending of a romance novel should not be so sweet. The ending should be that the hero and heroine are happy together. Besides, I heard from my mother that Keer’s sallow (worship) boy who is good at mathematics will be me. If Mommy and the teacher Let me tell you, I will definitely be able to sit at the same table with Ke'er tomorrow."

 "But you are so naughty! It will affect Ke'er's study."

"Ann!" The little guy raised two fingers, "I swear, I will be obedient, and I won't lift Kerr's skirt or pull her hair!"


This brat, is he still doing such a wretched thing at school?

Although she has no memory of being ten years old, Jie Yiyi knows that her education must have been good since she was a child, and she can't let him not have a good education just because she feels sorry for her and indulges her son.

Pushing Xiao Chenchen away, Jie Yiyi sat up straight, pointed to the wall, "Stand over there!"

In the past, if Jie Sichen did something wrong or mischievously bullied the children next door, Jie Yiyi would make him stand in the corner as punishment, slap him on the palm with a fly swatter or make him pull his ears, perform a self-examination a hundred times, and then hand in a review Only when the book came up did he let him go.

In fact, there was no violence against him, but it was nothing more than letting him stand for an hour unable to speak or move. She thought this kind of punishment was the most forgiving, but who knew that the little guy looked at her pitifully and asked herself Her own, Emma, ​​this question is not scientific at all, he shouldn't answer Mommy, I know I'm wrong, right?

Jie Sichen covered his small mouth, knowing that he had slipped the tongue. In school, he often bullied his female classmates, but... he hid it so deeply that Mommy didn't even know what bad things he did. No, Accidentally slipped the tongue, and thought of being punished to stand and write a self-criticism, Xiao Chenchen shrank.

So I pretended to yawn a few times, "Mum, I'm so sleepy, I have a drawing test tomorrow, I have to get enough energy to draw a world-shattering, weeping beauty."

Uh... Three black lines floated above Jie Yiyi's head, do you think you are drawing a talisman to subdue a demon?

  In fact, thinking about it, it is quite immoral to make him stand at night, but it cannot be the reason for her indulgence to turn him bad.

Her voice, which was always gentle, became severe, "Stand there!"

 Xiao Chenchen curled her lips helplessly, "Okay, okay." Then he walked to the corner with small steps, and muttered softly, "It's been three years, and it's always been this way of punishment, Mommy, how dare you do something Is it fresh?" 
(End of this chapter)

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