Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 855 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 8

Chapter 855 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 8
 Oh, the little guy really dares to dislike it!
But Jie Yiyi didn't pay attention to his words, after all, she was pregnant and gave birth to her in October, so she...how could she be willing to really beat him?In fact, Jie Sichen's lively personality is quite unexpected to her. Many children born to single mothers lack fatherly love since childhood, coupled with the ridicule of classmates, this will affect the child's growth...and make him gradually become self-sufficient. Closed, silent, unwilling to communicate with family members.

She was also worried like this at the beginning, but this child did not disappoint her. He was very sensible and did not make her worry too much. Acting like a baby in her arms, she felt that she was still happy.

Yes, indeed happy.Meeting Yan Yifeng and falling in love with Yan Yifeng was a wrong thing, but letting the baby come was the happiest and right thing in her life.

If she had chosen Yan Yifeng and abandoned her son, then under what circumstances would her son grow up at this moment?Can he still be as naughty and cute as he is now, because she has no money and gives him fried rice with eggs instead of snacks, and despises her?How could he, after she got off work, excitedly come to hug her calf and tell her, Mommy, I miss you?Mommy, you don’t sleep well. Remember to drink a glass of milk before going to bed. Mommy, you’re tired. I’ll rub it for you. Mommy, don’t miss Dad. In fact, when Chenchen grows up, Chenchen can also protect Mommy. Mi's...

If she selfishly chooses Yan Yifeng, then she will not know that she has given birth to such a smart and sensible son, and she will not know that in this world, there are really people, no matter how hard, tired, and difficult, No matter how helpless you are, you can stay with you forever, even if there are many things, he can't do anything, he can't help you solve them, but she wants to say that it is enough to have him, really.

   The moonlight quietly shone on Jie Sichen's small body, and he looked at her with round eyes, begging eyes, as if he wanted her to punish her crimes lightly.

Jie Yiyi felt a little uncomfortable, but she still said coldly, "Tell me, how many bad things did you do in school today? Didn't Mommy tell you not to lift girls' skirts or pull girls' hair? This kind of immoral behavior, if you are an adult, the law can convict you, and they can sue you for sexual molestation! Do you want to be charged as a pervert? Do you want girls to stay away from you?"

   Jie Sichen, who pulled his head together, felt a little disapproving in his heart, Aima, pulling off her hair and lifting her skirt to sexually harass her, then if my little JJ is accidentally exposed and seen by them, wouldn’t it be visual rape~ ? Good Kappa.

"Oh Mommy, what's the age, but can thinking not be so cowardly? Then who... don't say that men are not bad and women don't love them? By the way, it's not harassment. I'm making friends and greetings. Besides, except Except for Keer, most of the girls love me, Jiang Zi. Damn her cousin the day before yesterday, she came to hug me, pouted her little mouth and wanted to kiss me, luckily I flashed fast, otherwise, Xiaochen Chen's first kiss will be gone."

As he said that, he took a step forward and was about to step forward, but Jie Yiyi's unmoving eyes frightened him. When she went to school, she saw her boyfriend and girlfriend holding hands and mouth to mouth when she was in junior high school. Now, kindergarten Just... I really don't know, where is the world's education and integrity?

   "Girls should be reserved, boys should be more demeanor. You must get rid of this bad habit in the future, otherwise Mommy won't take you to Hawaii after earning money. I won't see Ke'er for two months during the summer vacation. You should cover your mouth." cry!"

(End of this chapter)

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