Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 856 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 9

Chapter 856 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 9
When Jie Sichen heard what his mother said, he knew that there was something going on, so he nodded quickly, then raised his little hand to pat his mouth, and yawned, "Okay, I promise Mommy that I will never do this again."

From now on, I won't lift girls' skirts or pull their hair, I will just take scissors to cut, hehe.

Of course, Jie Sichen would not say these words.

Seeing that he knows his mistakes and can correct them, and now it's so late, Jie Yiyi planned to let him go, but in a flash of his mind, he suddenly realized that he had missed one thing, which teacher called her in the afternoon, saying that Geth Chen made a mistake in school, but he was justified.

She has been chasing design drafts all day, which made her dizzy and forgot such an important thing.

Just when Jie Sichen wanted to come over, Jie Yiyi's cold voice sounded again, "What's the matter with throwing up other children this afternoon?"

Heart, with a 'thump' sound, Jie Sichen suddenly felt bad, didn't he ask the teacher to seal this matter, why did it pass to Mommy again?
Thinking about drawing a beautiful painting for Ke'er, I am sleepy and tired now. If Mommy punishes me again, I will definitely not be able to bear it. So, after thinking about it, I just pretend to be stupid, "Mummy, why did you vomit?" Don’t you vomit? Isn’t he still young now, doesn’t he have the effect of making girls pregnant?”

"Mum, I seriously doubt that you heard it wrong!"

As he said that, he took a step forward, got into Jie Yiyi's arms at the fastest speed, and rubbed his little head against her, "Mum, it's dark, I'm so tired."

It was fine if Jie Sichen didn't use this move, but when he did this move, Jie Yiyi was sure that he had a ghost in his heart.

Stroking his hair with her big palm, Jie Yiyi lowered her head and kissed his cheek, and then said in a gentle and loving voice, "Okay, keep pretending."

Uh, pretense, garlic.

Jie Sichen touched his two empty pockets, "Mommy, which nose did you smell garlic on me? I didn't put garlic in my pocket. I really didn't. If you don't believe me, you can search my pocket."

Cough, Jie Yiyi choked on his acting skills, she wanted to laugh, but she had to pretend to be serious, "Keep pretending!"

Mommy didn't believe him, so Jie Sichen lifted up his pajamas, shook it a few times, and then said cutely, "Mommy, garlic doesn't taste good, why should I pretend it, I really didn't..."

The ear was pulled gently, "Little guy, I'm sorry for the country if I don't send you to be a child star, Mommy repeats again, if you don't tell the truth, I will let you sleep on the balcony at night, and tomorrow morning, I will let you take the bus by yourself." drive to school."

Jie Sichen's acting skills have improved again, and there are tears in his round eyes, "Adults are sensible and make mistakes, they can be forgiven, why should children be punished, it's not fair, you let me sleep on the balcony alone , In the middle of the night, what if I am hijacked by aliens? Where will Mommy find such a cute son to accompany you. "

"Besides, it was the kid who pissed me off first, so I went to the pet store to buy a pack of dog food, and lied to him that it was a small biscuit imported from abroad. I said that if you like it, I can give you a pack of it." , I just said it so casually, who knew he was so stupid, he stuffed it into his mouth without even smelling it, he deserved it..."

Xiao Chenchen has used dog food to punish children more than once.

Hearing this, Jie Yixin's expression changed, becoming more and more gloomy.

Seeing that he was about to lose his temper, Xiao Chenchen was quick-witted, rubbed his eyes aggrieved, and began to cry, "If he hadn't scolded me for not having a father, and I am such a gentlemanly and connotative literary child, I wouldn't be stupid with him." The bear kid cares about it.

(End of this chapter)

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