Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 857 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 10

Chapter 857 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 10
Mommy told Xiao Chenchen that if you encounter bad guys, you have to fight back or call the police. At that time, I thought it would be too late if I called the police, so I took this measure.Mommy, don't be angry, how cute is little Chenchen, so you don't allow them to say that Chenchen doesn't have a father, although Chenchen really doesn't have a father, but Chenchen can be his own father..."

Listening to Jie Sichen's words, Jie Yiyi's eyes were a little sour, and the original anger had been suppressed. She stretched her arms around his small body and hugged him tightly, "Okay, Mommy knows."

Yes, every time the kindergarten holds an event or awards competition, Jie Yiyi goes alone, and Zhizi will accompany her if she is free. Many times, parents of other children will ask Dongwen when they see her coming alone. Western.

It has been three years, and she has always come here by herself. She thought that if someone asked her father, she would answer naturally. The child has no father, or the father is gone. She has nothing to do with Yan Yifeng. She is completely But she answered like this, but she didn't, she couldn't curse him, she would rather bear the burden of her ignorance, her recklessness, and the crime of not even knowing who the father of the child is to face life than tell a lie to deceive Others said that he was gone, but she didn't want to.

Because of his smartness, Chenchen's grades in school are very good, especially in mathematics and painting. However, there are more people who admire and yearn for him. She always thought that his birthday in school was full of colors, but on the surface, others No matter how good it is, they will still gossip about their mother and son behind their backs.

The world of children is very simple and sensitive.

Although Chenchen is still young, he knows the meaning of the word "no father". The children bully him because he has no father, and they try to poke him where it hurts the most. If he is hurt and hurt, of course he will fight back.To be honest, she really wanted to give Jie Sichen a good lesson, let him grow up as a senior in a serious way, and also wanted to punish him once in a serious way, so that he would never dare to be naughty again, but...

When someone scolded him for not having a father, her chest felt like being stung by a bee. There was a chill and pain that spread to her limbs, making her so fragile that she almost suffocated.

Not to mention Chen Chen, even sometimes, when she hears others say this about Chen Chen, her heart and emotions will be affected to a certain extent. Why doesn't she want to fight back against others, but she never does, her mouth grows on others, She couldn't close her mouth and her mind.

So I just let others shoot arrows in the dark and completely hurt her. Anyway, in the past few years, I stumbled and stumbled, didn't I come here like this?

Seeing Jie Yiyi's mother whose eyes were starting to turn red, Jie Sichen felt a little guilty. In fact, that little friend didn't scold him for not having a father. It's just that he has gotten closer to Ke'er recently, so he wants to treat her , teach him a lesson, he just wants Mommy to let him go, unexpectedly, this unintentionally hurts Mommy's little heart, his heartache, that remorse, that intestine is a little regretful ...

Raising his hand and stroking Fu Jie Yiyi's cheek with a big palm, he found that there were tears in the corner of her eyes. He softened for a moment and almost told the truth, but after saying sorry to Mommy in his heart, he finally held back and put Regret turned into consolation to Mommy, raised her rosy mouth, and slapped her face, "Mommy doesn't cry. Don't worry, Mommy, no one will love you when you get old. When Xiao Chenchen grows up , Xiao Chenchen married Mommy."

(End of this chapter)

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