Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 858 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 11

Chapter 858 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 11
Originally, there was still sadness in her heart, but Jie Sichen's words made Jie Yiyi laugh, this brat can really say anything, she said dumbfoundedly, "Marry Mommy, why don't you want it?"

Jie Sichen waved his hand, "How important is it to have a mother? Besides, can't a male silver have four wives and three concubines? She will pester me in the future, at worst, I will give her a concubine and let her manage my harem." ..."

"The wording is wrong." Jie Yiyi corrected, "Three wives and four concubines"

"Oh, it means the same anyway."

"What's the same? Three wives are three wives, four wives are four wives..." Uh, no, why is she explaining this to the children?To teach bad children.

"Oh, what a long-winded Mommy, then as you said, three wives will be fine..."

Jie Sichen wanted to continue talking, but Jie Yiyi hurriedly stopped her, "Stop, stop, Jie Sichen, let me tell you, don't imitate your flirtatious old man..." Dad didn't say the words, but she swallowed it back, " In short, you have to control your temper, you can't be fiddly, you have to be dedicated, in your whole life, you can only like someone sincerely, understand?"

"Ah? I can only like one person? I feel like I like Ke'er and Xiao Vivier. Can't Mommy be more lenient and let me like two at the same time?" The little finger stood up, and Jie Yiyi slapped it, " Stop haggling with me."

Jie Sichen was in a bad mood, and rubbed his little finger, "Okay, okay, it seems that love will make Yin give up many things."

"Forget it, I don't like anyone, I just like Mommy."

Jie Yiyi yawned, feeling sleepy and tired, so she carried Jie Sichen into the room and turned on the electric fan.

In fact, there is an air conditioner in this rented room, but Jie Yiyi turned on the electric fan to save money, besides, the evening wind here will flow into the room through the window, so it is still a bit cold in the middle of the night.

After covering Jie Sichen with the quilt, Jie Yiyi turned off the lamp, "Okay, don't talk, go to sleep."

Jie Sichen nodded obediently, and after a while, he poked his head out again, looked at Jie Yiyi who had closed her eyes, and put her calf around her waist, "My lovely mommy."

Jie Yiyi, who was about to fall asleep, heard Jie Sichen's voice, opened her eyes, turned sideways, and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

Jie Sichen moved his body into her arms, "Well, didn't you just say, tell me not to be like that flirtatious dad, tell me, how he used to be flirtatious, In this way, I can guarantee that I will not follow his route..."

Uh, hasn't she said the word "father" yet?

curiosity kills the cat.

How was she going to talk to her son?Could it be that his father changed women every day before he knew her? NO NO, if you say this, it will hurt the baby.

So I simply pretended to be going to sleep, "Mummy is tired, I'll talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to do."

Jie Sichen didn't really ask, which made Jie Yiyi heave a sigh of relief, but within a minute, the servant said again, "My lovely mommy."

Jie Yiyi wanted to pretend to be asleep, but her eyes opened faster than her brain could react, "What's wrong?"

Jie Sichen moved into her arms again, and then hooked her neck with his small hands, "Mummy, do you know where that guy named Yan is now?"

When he asked such a question, Jie Yiyi had a fright flash across his face.

(End of this chapter)

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