Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 859 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 12

Chapter 859 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 12
In the past three years, Jie Sichen knew that Yan Yifeng was a deep scar on her chest, so he seldom mentioned it, and seldom asked his whereabouts. In the past, when she hugged her son and missed him at night, she really wanted to, and He talked about the love story between her and him before, but she was afraid that Chenchen would feel unfair because she didn't have a father and affect her growth, so she held back.

Today, he suddenly asked her, which made her a little at a loss. At this moment, her throat seemed to be filled with mustard water. The smell choked her so much that she couldn't speak, and her thoughts went blank.

in fact……

There is no difference between her and Yan Yifeng. They have always been in the same city. The house she lives in is very close to Yan's house. It takes about half an hour to get there by bus. In the past three years, she has been getting there. Looking forward, looking forward, can she meet him once by chance, she doesn't need to say hello to him, just look at his appearance, see how he is doing well, how much he has changed, let her capture more of him The figure, just hide it in your mind.

However, God was stingy and didn't give her this opportunity, and he didn't even want to give her a background.

However, she felt that this was also good, if they didn't meet each other, there wouldn't be so many sad things to think about.

Many people say that the happiest feeling is to be with the one they love.

In fact, she found that sometimes this is not the case. Missing someone for a long time can also be very happy. No one knows what will happen in the world tomorrow. Lovers who are in love one second may be separated the next second, but remember No, as long as you don't forget, it will always be with you, and, joys and sorrows, everything is destined to be there.

She can have tears and smiles.

Jie Yiyi didn't want to talk more about Yan Yifeng with Chen Chen, but this little guy suddenly asked her, which made her very curious, why did he ask such a question, "Isn't Chen Chen not liking him?"

Jie Sichen nodded firmly, "Yes, I don't like that demon, but Chenchen wants to know the address or phone number of that demon's home."

The address and phone number are all memorized in her heart, but...she doesn't know if he changed the address and phone number three years ago.

Jie Yiyi smiled wryly, "Since Chenchen hates demons, why does Chenchen want him to call?"

Jie Sichen's cheeks puffed up, "Chenchen has something to tell him!"


"Didn't Mommy say that if you lift a girl's paper skirt, you can go to court? The devil planted seeds in your body. Not only that, but he abandoned us after planting the seeds. This is a certain responsibility. If we don't take the devil to court, then we have to get back our monthly living expenses in the past few years, right? If our mother and son have fixed living expenses, then Mommy won't work so hard, Xiaochen Chen also doesn't have to worry about Mommy's body every day, so is he a vegetarian?"

Jie Yiyi was a little dazed, this little guy... his brain is turning very fast.

But... this little guy didn't know that she was the one who wanted to leave him three years ago, because she was afraid that Xiao Chenchen would accuse her, so she never dared to speak, and Xiao Chenchen was still young, so she might not understand her idea.

The soft palm caressed his little head, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth, "Chenchen is very smart, but there are some things that Chenchen doesn't understand. When Mommy meets the devil, even though the devil is ruthless Yes, but the devil is also gentle, otherwise Mommy would not fall in love with the devil. As for the separation...it is the mother who wants to leave him. You can't blame the devil, and you can't hug him to go to his house and ask him for living expenses. idea……"

(End of this chapter)

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