Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 860 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 13

Chapter 860 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 13
  Jie Sichen had heard the news from Zhizi’s godmother, but Jie Sichen just didn’t want to do this, “It’s true, but Mommy...it will be very hard for a person like you to bring a child’s paper. , can’t the devil print money by himself, and let him throw a few of them for us to spend, and it won’t kill him. Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of such an advantage will be a fool, right?”

Jie Yiyi smiled wryly, in these three years, if Zhizi hadn't helped her, maybe she really couldn't make it through.

However, even if she couldn't make it through, she couldn't go to Yan Yifeng, because she didn't have the courage. She vaguely remembered that when he took off the necklace around her neck before she left, he said in that disgusted tone, "It's me!" dumped you...

It doesn't matter if she is humiliated, she doesn't want to implicate her son, what's more, if... She said that if Chenchen really went to his house to ask for living expenses, then, seeing such a smart and lovely Chenchen, she didn't believe that Yan Yifeng didn't want to send him to his house. The selfishness he left behind.

She loves Chenchen like that again, what if he suddenly asks her for custody of the child?She is penniless, not to mention going to court, she can't even afford a lawyer, so how could she possibly win against him?

Even if there is a lawyer, it may not be possible to win custody, after all... without him, she would not have a child at all.

Therefore, if you want to bring up Chenchen, the best way is not to provoke the devil, try to disappear in front of him as far as possible, and hide as far away as possible.


"Jie Sichen, don't be greedy. The life my mother is living now is not hard work, but enrichment. Enrichment can make us forget many, many troubles. If little Chenchen is really worried about mother, then study hard. When he grows up, let us Mom has a good life, okay?"

Ge Sichen shrank, and it seemed that the plan had failed again.

Tomorrow, I have to go to Baidu to check the address and phone number of Yan Yifeng's family.

Uh... Xiao Chenchen is too naive, isn't it?The address and phone number of Yan Shao’s home, how can you Baidu it?

After getting angry, Jie Sichen closed his eyes and murmured, "Okay, okay..."

Jie Yiyi was sleepy at first, but after Jie Sichen's disturbance, she was lost in thought and lost sleep all night.

Missing is a disease;

It will make people sink deeper and deeper, and the sicker and more serious.

   No, when I woke up in the morning, the panda eyes made their grand debut. Jieyi looked in the mirror and couldn't help sighing softly. In the past few years, he hasn't changed, but she has changed a lot. Although her skin is still delicate and tender, her heart is old Is there any wood?How can I catch up with the design draft after a night of sleepless sleep?
It's all Jie Sichen's fault, for talking about demons in a decent way, as soon as the demons appear, her thoughts of life will be disturbed.

   Looking at the wall clock on the wall at seven o’clock, her small design shop opens at nine o’clock, and Jie Sichen’s class starts at 7:50, and it takes 40 minutes to take Jie Sichen to school by bus. It takes 45 minutes to shop, so... She finished her housework, and it is no problem to leave at 7:25, and it is almost nine o'clock when she arrives at the company.

 The little guy also slept very late last night, Jie Yiyi didn't wake him up, let him sleep for a while, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then made breakfast, waited until 15:[-], let him get up for breakfast.

Anyway, after finishing the work, it was just time for departure. Jie Sichen put on his Rilakkuma schoolbag and let his mommy walk out of the hut holding his little hand and came to the bus stop.

(End of this chapter)

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