Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 861 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 14

Chapter 861 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 14
 Although it was early in the morning, the summer sun was vicious and hot, and after walking for a while, I was sweating profusely.

And as usual, the bus should have come long ago, but it hasn't come yet, a few minutes have passed, if it doesn't come, Jie Sichen will be late.

Jie Yiyi is a little anxious. If she takes a taxi to take her son to school, it will cost more than 100 yuan. To be honest, a person like her with financial constraints is really reluctant to give up...June is coming to the end of the month, and my son will spend this month. The tuition fee will be handed in soon...

Although I have always disdain money, but in an emergency, it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

For example, she is now... It's not true if she takes a taxi, or if she doesn't take a taxi.

Jie Sichen raised his head, looked at his mother's tangled face, and pouted, "Mommy, the bus won't come, what should I do?"

   At this time, a taxi happened to pass by her. Jie Yiyi saw that the time was already 7:32, and there were still 18 minutes before Jie Sichen's class time. She had the urge to raise her little hand, but she put it down and touched it with her head down. Son's head, "Wait a little longer!"

Life has reached a point of helplessness, she can only save as much as she can.

If the bus does not race, it can be reached in 15 minutes.

Jie Sichen didn't know what Mommy was thinking in his heart, his round eyes rolled, he moved cleverly, his ruddy mouth opened a row of white and neat small teeth, and the evil humor came up, "how about Mommy, go back first, Xiao Chenchen has a way to get to the kindergarten before class."

She can't do it as an adult, but what can he do as a child?

"Is Chenchen joking? You are a child, can you grow your scud legs and walk a kilometer?"

Jie Sichen pointed to a police car on the opposite side, "Of course not, Mommy, you can avoid it for a while, and then I can go to the opposite side and let those police uncles over there take me to school."

Uh, this brat, thanks to him thinking of it.

I vaguely remember that once when he did something wrong, Jie Yiyi scolded him very fiercely. He sneaked out while she was not paying attention, and got lost. He ran to the police station and came back in a police car. The mood at that time... can be described in two words: speechless.

"Forget it, then Mommy would rather pay to take a taxi."

It seemed that the bus they were going to take fell into the river, and if they waited any longer, it would be delayed sooner or later.

As he said, he raised his hand to stop a taxi, but at this moment, a red Rafaeli ran towards them at a high speed, and then stopped the car firmly in front of them, and the window slowly rolled Pulling it down, a stylishly dressed woman stuck her head out, took off her toad mirror, raised her eyebrows and looked at the big and small waiting for the bus pitifully at the bus stop sign, "What are you still standing there for? Are you in the car?"

 The beautiful voice of the woman in the car came out, and Jie Yiyi came back to her senses, only then did she realize that this woman was her son’s godmother, Zhizi, dare you, this Zhizi is a lucky star sent by God, every time she has difficulties Always show up in time?

Jie Sichen let go of Mommy's little hand, looked at the red Ferrari, covered his mouth with his little hand, and exclaimed, "Old Godmother Gardenia, why is it swollen to change the car again, this red pink is eye-catching, pink is cool Is there any? Chenchen really likes it."

Chenchen praised her new car as cool, Zhizi was naturally happy, but what was he talking about in front of him?What is Gardenia Old Godmother?
"Jie Sichen, you are Lao Ganma Pepper, the whole family is." Zhi Zi retorted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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