Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 863 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 16

Chapter 863 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 16
Jie Yiyi thought that Zhizi was going to play tricks on them again and brake on purpose. After all, this was not the first time she had done such a thing.

Fortunately, I blocked my forehead with my hand so that I didn't hit the front, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as she raised her eyes to teach Zhizi a lesson, she could see her pair of icy eyes were fixedly staring ahead, and her beautiful eyes were already filled with anger.

Jie Yiyi followed that gaze, only to realize that someone ran a red light. In order to hurry, Zhi Zi adjusted the speed to 70, which is relatively fast on the road. In addition, she just turned sideways to meet her Speaking, I didn't expect that there would be a car running a red light suddenly, if Zhizi hadn't stopped the car in time, the car on this side would definitely hit it.

Well, these are not the point, the point is, the owner of the car ran a red light, and the traffic police on the opposite side pretended not to see it, and just let the car pass by like nothing happened. If you make a mistake and escape like this, this is three lives. If you really collide, the three people will not die, or you will be maimed!

"Hey V, Gardenia Godmother, what are you doing? All the potato chips are poured out. Mommy, why are you covering your forehead? Did Mommy get hurt?"

Jie Sichen, who got up from the ground, found out that something was wrong with Mummy, and quickly threw away the potato chips, caring about Jie Yiyi.

Jie Yiyi hugged Jie Sichen who was in the back seat into her arms, and after making sure that he was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time... Zhizi, who was so angry that she exploded, had already opened the door and got out of the car.

Jie Yiyi couldn't even scream, and the car that ran the red light saw someone brake suddenly, and the speed also slowed down, but it still didn't intend to stop.

This made Zhizi even more annoyed, and she pointed at the famous car and yelled, "Hey, what the hell do you mean? Driving a famous car is great? You were the one who ran the red light, why did you give me such a face? Come down and apologize , or be careful that my sister will sue you to court, and you will be unable to eat and walk around!"

Zhizi put her hands on her waist and spoke very loudly. The car didn't go too far, so she probably could hear it, but it didn't stop.

Zhi Zi was so angry that her face turned green. It was the first time she was so angry since she was a child. What happened to the traffic policeman opposite?The shrunken head is uglier than a turtle?Could it be that the prince is not successful?Fuck, my sister doesn't care who she is!Excuse me first.

After saying such a long paragraph without any response, Zhizi bent down and took off her high heels, and slammed it hard on the rear of the car. One hit was not satisfying, so she took off the other and smashed it.

This time, Jie Yiyi had just come down with Chenchen in her arms, and was about to stop her, but this girl moved one step faster than her.

Jie Yiyi had no choice but to follow the shoe and see who it was, such a big name, who ran a red light, and even the traffic police didn't dare to care.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, her eyeballs and heart were hit hard, as if Zhizi's shoes didn't hit his car, but hit her chest, the four 4 license plates, She... couldn't be more familiar with it. In S City, who else can be so domineering except him?
Yes, after 30 seconds of sluggishness, Jie Yiyi mistakenly thought that she was wrong, so she rubbed her eyes again and took a closer look. The number on the license plate has not changed, and the car... has stopped, although she is not sure , that car is his, but...with such a close distance, her heart cannot be calm.

The camera turned to the side of the car. The handsome man behind the seat, who was neatly dressed and wearing sunglasses, was reading the newspaper. He was annoyed by the two noises. He raised his slender hand, took off his sunglasses, and frowned displeased Eyebrow, "Bai'an!"

PS: This is a small meeting, and the big one will come later.

(End of this chapter)

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