Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 864 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 17

Chapter 864 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 17
After receiving the instruction, Bo An nodded to the man behind him, then pushed open the car door and got down.

After staying by his side for so many years, he understood and understood his master's character. Although he didn't say anything, he knew what he should do next.

Although he was not short of money, he couldn't tolerate other people doing these things under his nose, so he got out of the car and demanded compensation from that crazy woman!
Even the traffic policeman lowered his head and pretended not to see him running a red light. Whose girl is so blind?So unresponsive?Is Lord Yan someone you can mess with?
Bo An thought so in his heart, but this Lord Yan was too domineering, he almost got into a car accident and even got out of the car to ask for compensation.

Bo An got out of the car and was about to go there, but at this moment, a traffic policeman in uniform came over suddenly, and bowed to Bo An humbly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bo An, this trivial matter has alarmed you to stop the car. Is Master Yan sitting in the car? I’m going to apologize to him. It’s because I didn’t handle it properly that I let that barbarian woman smash Master Yan’s car with her shoes. I’ll take her to the police station and impound her car in a while. Punish her to write a self-criticism! Do you think this will work?"

He didn't want to say good things for Zhizi, but...

   He was afraid that this matter would anger Lord Yan, so he couldn't afford to walk around.How would he live if he was stripped of his hat?

If it was someone else, he wouldn't need to curry favor like this at all, but now it's different, the one sitting in the car is Lord Yan, almost no one in S City doesn't recognize this license plate.

Bai An didn't care about his words.Instead, he followed his line of sight to look not far away, a crazy woman who was stopped by the traffic police and was still making a scene. However, the camera turned a little bit, and he saw a woman holding a child next to the crazy woman, and he twitched slightly.

   When the other party saw him, he seemed to follow suit.

Although the distance is about ten meters, Bo An's eyesight is excellent, he can see clearly, and what surprised him even more is that the child in her arms... this... this... is not Mr. Yan what?It's exactly the same.

The traffic policeman watched Bo An raptly, only to realize that he hadn't listened to him at all, and now his head was getting bigger. In desperation, he pushed Bo An's hand, and repeated what he said just now, saying that he would definitely He punished Zhizi, and promised again and again that such a thing would not happen in the future, "Mr. Bo An, you don't count the faults of villains, let's forget it this time."

Bo An still ignored him, and was about to walk over there.

But as soon as he stepped forward, the man's low and cold voice sounded from inside the car, "Let him handle it, there is an important meeting at nine o'clock!"

"But Mr. Yan..." Bo An wanted to tell him that he seemed to have seen Miss Jie, but he remembered that Yan Yifeng had warned him not to mention the word Jie and this person in front of him in the future!Otherwise, just get out of his sight, he can't just use her instead, "Mr. Yan, I seem to have seen..." Before the word 'she' could be said, Yan Yifeng interrupted again, this time it was undeniable, "drive!"

 Bo An has always obeyed Yan Yifeng and did not dare to resist, so when he repeated the second time, he took back his steps, looked at Jie Yiyi again, then waved his hand to let the traffic police deal with it, and got into the car. After getting in the car, he did not Instead of starting the car in a hurry, he turned his head, looked at the squinting man who was rubbing his temples, and said cautiously, "Mr. Yan, I seem to see..." He felt that the adjectives she and Jie were both inappropriate, So I changed my words, "In the car that almost hit our car just now, there is a child who looks like Mr. Yan, and a woman who is very beautiful... I was wondering if Mr. Yan wants to go over and check it out. Is anyone injured over there?"

(End of this chapter)

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