Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 866 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 19

Chapter 866 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 19
The moment she met his gaze, Jie Yiyi felt that she was out of control, if it wasn't because she tightly clasped the flesh of her arm with her nails, she thought, she would not be able to hold back the tears, because, her heart, Already drowned in tears.

On Yan Yifeng's side, looking at her, although he didn't show any emotion on his face, there was an urge to ask Bo An to turn around in his heart. He felt that the rationality, tenacity, and calmness he had cultivated over the years were taken by her. His eyes were disturbed and messed up.

He also once imagined their reunion. He thought that when he saw her again, he would smile coldly, then look away coldly, stop looking at her, and break her heart. It's hard to quit.

Seeing the inseparable relationship between the man and woman, Bo An slowed down the car to the slowest speed, and couldn't help but remind him again, "Mr. Yan, do you need to turn back?"

Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, Mr. Yan is a cold and ruthless man, but it is because of his coldness that he will miss his life at first sight. In the past three years, he has indeed lived a chic life, eating well, drinking well and wearing good clothes Living well, and expanding business in China, but does anyone know how much sadness is hidden behind this scenery?Maybe, only he knows.

Three years ago, after Miss Jie left him, he hardly lived a normal life.

After killing Ai Shishi, he sat alone in his mother's room, drinking, and closed himself up, staying in there alone for a month, not letting anyone get close.

He didn't know how he got through those 30 days. After he came out of the room, he had already lost a lot of weight. This is not the point. The point is that his stomach was bleeding.

No one was allowed to invite a doctor, and all the servants of the Yan family, whether they hated him or had a crush on him, all secretly cried many times.

Later, after watching all the videos of Jie Yiyi staying at Yan's house, he began to return to his normal life.

But now, when I can't drink alcohol, eat on time, and take medicine, my stomach has improved a little.

But one time, when a servant was arranging Jie Yiyi's things, he saw the blood-stained sheet and started to suffer from insomnia at night. No matter how tired he was, he would see the sheet when he closed his eyes, and remembered At that time, he suffered from severe insomnia, so he had to rely on sleeping pills to sleep every day.

So now, he really hopes that if the two really love each other, then... they will be together again. Three years ago, it was his father who hindered them from getting together, but now, Yan Yan has already laid down On the hospital bed~, unable to even speak, no one can stop them from being together!
So...it was Bo An who ran the red light that made them meet, but it was also Bo An who made him suppress his impulse and pull back his thoughts.

When he retracted his eyes, he did not forget to glance at the child in Jie Yiyi's arms, a trace of disgust flashed in his cold eyes, then he lowered his head, put on his sunglasses, and swung the windshield up .

At that second, blocking their sight, standing not far away looking at him who was still extremely indifferent, my heart was more than half cold.

Unexpectedly, when they meet again, it will be in such a situation.

They didn't say hello to each other, but they never forgot.

What does it mean that his last gaze fell on Jie Sichen?Dislike it?
Heart, a bomb was dropped again.

(End of this chapter)

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