Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 867 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 20

Chapter 867 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 20
 When Jie Yiyi came back to her senses, Yan Yifeng's car had already traveled so far that it was blurred in her sight. If it wasn't for Jie Sichen's little hand shaking in front of her eyes a hundred times, her heart, her soul, might follow her. That car goes away.

I have stayed with Jie Yiyi for three years, although Jie Sichen told her mother that she did not understand the essence, but her eyes were empty and she stared at the same thing for more than 5 minutes, either she was tired or that thing aroused her. Looking back on the past, judging from his Xiao Chenchen's many years of experience, the car just now was indeed carrying a demon.

Damn, didn't Gardenia Godmother say that four license plate numbers with the same number are very expensive?And the logo of that car, he knows, is Rolls Royce, a car can cost tens of millions, wow, is this demon rich?Well, these are not the point, the point is, it seems that many people are afraid of demons, otherwise this uncle policeman would not be talking to Godmother Zhizi until now.

The small hands were made into telescope shapes, Jie Sichen suddenly felt a little regretful, why didn't he just shake off Mommy's hand, and go to meet the devil... Uh... wait, besides the devil, there seemed to be a handsome man in the car just now Who is his boyfriend?

Devil's brother?Take out a small mirror to look at your face, but he doesn't look like you, who is that?
He racked his brains and thought about it, but he still couldn't come up with a reason, so he asked Jie Yiyi, "Mum, who was that uncle who got off the car just now?"

Knowing that she lost control in front of her son, Zhizi, Jie Yiyi hurriedly lowered her head to suppress the turbulent emotions in her heart, and then said, "I don't know."

If you tell Chenchen that the person sitting in the car just now is his father, Jie Sichen will definitely scold Yan Yifeng a thousand times for his attitude towards him.

She didn't want her father to disturb her world from now on, so she couldn't say it.

Although Jie Yiyi said so, but... How could Xiao Chenchen not understand her own mommy?

He observed Jie Yiyi's face and expression, and suddenly he was stunned. He covered his mouth with his thick little palm, and his eyes widened. Mommy, fell in love with that uncle? Then... If I, Jie Sichen, were a polite child, wouldn't I call that uncle a stepmother? Ah... This... This is unscientific, Aunt Qiong Yao Romance novels don’t act like that.”

 To be honest, Jie Yiyi was still slightly sad in her heart, but Jie Sichen's bloody thoughts splashed her whole body, and the discomfort in her heart was washed away all at once, she rolled her eyes and stared at Xiao Chenchen.

Even Zhizi, who was still chattering with the traffic policeman, couldn't help but groan when she heard this sentence, she couldn't help poking Jie Sichen's head, "Little guy, you have a rich imagination! , you can become Aunt Qiong Yao's successor."

The little guy raised his butt up to the sky proudly, and immediately put a scissors hand on his mouth, showing eight neat teeth, "That must be!"

Yes, after saying this, Zhizi was going to turn around and continue to argue with the traffic police uncle, but when she realized that Xiao Chenchen's words were wrong, she immediately turned around and looked at Jie Yiyi who had been pretending to be calm, "What? What happened just now?" The owner, is it your demon?"


(End of this chapter)

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