Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 868 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 21

Chapter 868 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 21
Is her gardenia blind today?Or out of my mind?There are a few people in S City who can run a red light in front of the traffic police and forget it, but they have to rush to her to demand compensation... When the owner of the car was so disdainful to them just now, she should have thought that the car belonged to the devil. Well, if you angered him, she thought she would never have anything to eat!

But what surprised her was that the devil didn't stop the car when he saw Yiyi, and didn't come down to meet her?This... Did she time travel or something?

However, when she came to her senses, Jie Yiyi had already dispatched the traffic police.

And Zhizi was not chattering and arguing with them, she caught up and observed her mood, "Sister Yiyi..."

When Yan Yifeng's car was blurred in her sight, she had buried all her emotions in her heart and returned to normal, with no sadness on her face.


Zhizi hesitated to speak, "That..."

She knew that Jie Yiyi cared about Xiao Chenchen, so she nodded, "Okay, let's send Chenchen to school first."

Jie Yiyi waved her hand, "No need, I've been late for almost two hours, I'll ask him for a day off, and I'll ask the teacher to make up today's class for him tomorrow."

Going there now, the kindergarten is closed, and she has to go back to check whether Xiao Chenchen has been injured.

The brakes were so fast just now, even if he was not injured, he was frightened.

As soon as Xiao Chenchen heard that she didn't have to go to school, she was so excited, but she didn't dare to show her true emotions on her face, so she could only pretend that I was okay and I could say, "Mommy, although Xiao Chenchen just now I was frightened, but Xiao Chenchen has enough mental capacity, Xiao Chenchen can go to school, I guarantee that I won't be distracted in class, and I won't worry about whether to call her uncle or stepmother."

One second before, Jie Yiyi wanted to pat his head, saying that he was sensible, but the next second, she raised her hand and wanted to slap him on the forehead.

Zhizi turned her head and gave Jie Sichen a look, "Laugh, you little guy, if you really think so in your heart, I'll take your surname!"

As far as his thoughts are concerned, can't my sister see it?The more I say I want it, the more I actually say no to it thousands of times in my heart!
After regaining her dignity, Zhizi continued, "Where are you going now? Should you go back to where you live?"

Jie Yiyiwang cast a cold glance ahead, "Go to the police station."

"Uh..." Zhi Zi suddenly stopped the car, her eyes widened, "Why are you going to the police station?"

Jie Yiyi forgot to tell Zhi Zi how she sent the traffic police just now, that is, she promised them to go to the police station to write a review.

"Write a review."

I thought that Zhizi would yell and yell to quit, but she didn't, because she really drove to the police station.

The two wrote a [-]-word self-criticism. In fact, this matter was not their fault at all. Why would they want to take the blame and come to the police station to apologize?

It's very simple, Jie Yiyi chose the latter between resisting and obeying because the owner of the car was Yan Yifeng, knowing that he couldn't provoke him, but what about Zhizi?She is so savage, she can ignore good things, but she has to worry about bad things, why is she willing to pick up a pen and criticize with her?
She hasn't found the answer yet, she knows that when she heard Xiao Chenchen say that there was a devil in the car, she panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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