Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 870 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 23

Chapter 870 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 23
To be honest, the salary she received before was indeed not enough for living expenses.

After all, she is not alone, and she has a baby with her.

So with Zhizi's encouragement and help, she opened a small shop of tens of square meters, and she was the only one in the shop for the time being.

It is 04:30 in the afternoon, and there are still three hours before the client agrees to meet with the draft.

So now there is still enough time to pick up Xiao Chenchen home from school and cook.

After closing the shop, Jie Yiyi walked to the bus stop, and arrived there after about half an hour.

From a distance, he could see that Xiao Chenchen was still playing with the children. The sun slanted down, and the halo shrouded him, showing his lively and lovely side one by one.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth, and then she walked towards her.

The kid who was playing with Xiao Chenchen stopped when he saw Jie Yiyi, and told him in a low voice, "Your mommy is here."

Normally, Jie Yiyi was busy, and would wait at least half an hour before coming to pick him up, but today it was earlier, which made Xiao Chenchen very happy, because if he went back earlier, he would be able to play a few more games of Super Mario.

He rushed towards Jie Yiyi excitedly, opened his arms to hug her mouth, "Mummy, you are here, Chenchen misses you so much."

Jie Yiyi picked him up habitually, pinched his pink face, "What bad thing did you do again? The little mouth suddenly became so sweet?"

Xiao Chenchen didn't tell the truth, and hooked Jie Yiyi's neck with her little hands, "Oh Mommy, I'm your son, how can you doubt me, I miss you from the bottom of my heart."

The kid on the side, seeing Xiao Chenchen being hugged in someone's arms, covered his mouth with his little hand and giggled, "Jie Sichen, how old are you, I still want your mommy to hug you, I heard my mommy say, A child who needs to be hugged will not grow up!"

Yes, he was so domineering at school that he just seized this opportunity to humiliate him, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was met with a blank stare, Xiao Chenchen hugged Mommy even tighter, and first glanced at her with contempt , and then said unhurriedly, "Xiao Qiangqiang, it's not your fault for being naive, but if you believe your mommy, it's your fault."

"In addition to this, did she also say that children who lie will have longer noses? Children who cry a lot will be picked up by wolves at night?"

Little friend Xiaoqiang, with a look of shock on his face, then the little chicken pecked at the rice and nodded, "Yeah, my mommy said these things every day, how do you know? Could it be that you came to my house and eavesdropped on our conversation? "

"Cut." Xiao Chenchen snorted coldly, "You think it's too beautiful, but you invite me to go because of your mother and son's unnutritious conversation, and I won't go."

"When you first came out of your mommy's womb, which day didn't you just nestle in your mommy's arms, crying non-stop as soon as you let go of your hand, why didn't you become a doll, and grew up?"

When Xiaoqiang thought about it this way, he was quite right, but...

Xiao Chenchen pursed her lips lightly, evoking a smug smile, "Master, let me tell you, in such a situation, there is usually only one truth. Your mommy thinks you are a fat man, so just hold your hands sorely, it's not pretty." .”

"That's why you and your mommy don't have a good relationship, so she will lie to you and say that children who lie will have a longer nose. I see that you lie in front of me every day, and it doesn't mean that your nose grows."

The teacher said that a child who lies is not a good child, and he would not do it if he let Xiaoqiang take such a scapegoat, and hurriedly retorted, "How could I, how could I have lied?"

"You said your mommy is very beautiful, but I think your mommy is very average. If she doesn't wear makeup or false eyelashes, she won't be able to meet people. She is not as beautiful as my mommy's hair."

"Besides, you cry and howl every day, but you don't see you being taken away by wolves. If you can really let wolves take you away, I am willing to burn three incense sticks and worship three times a day."

(End of this chapter)

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