Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 871 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 24

Chapter 871 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 24
"Wow... Jie Sichen, you are talking nonsense, Qiangqiang is not fat, and Mommy doesn't hug Qiangqiang because Qiangqiang is fat, woohoo, you bully others, I want to tell my parents, I want to tell the teacher. When Xiao Chenchen said this, Xiao Qiangqiang burst into tears.

sweat!It turns out that Xiaoqiangqiang can't stand it so much?Little Chenchen
He raised his hand and wiped his forehead.

Children are always sensitive and can't bear others to say a little bit about him. Jie Yiyi understands Xiaoqiang's feelings. Seeing him crying, she quickly puts down Xiao Chenchen. Jie Yiyi goes against her conscience to comfort him, "Xiaoqiangqiang, don't listen to Chenchen. Nonsense, Xiaoqiangqiang is not fat at all, Xiaoqiangqiang is very cute..."

"Oh, you bully people, I don't want to be cute."

"Well, isn't Xiaoqiangqiang cute, but Xiaoqiangqiang is handsome?" Jie Yiyi continued to comfort him while stroking his big head.

The kid Xiaoqiang glanced at the bread in Jie Yiyi's hand, his little eyes rolled around calculatingly, "You don't come here, scolding me, it's like hitting my young heart, it's not something you can count as a compliment , if you don’t show your sincerity, I still have to tell the teacher, hum!”

With a twist of his mouth, he was ready to leave.

In fact, Tong Yan Wuji, saying such things is purely ignorant of the child, Jie Yiyi can ignore it, but... She doesn't want to do this, she doesn't want the teacher to say that Chenchen has no father and is an uneducated child, So I endured it.

"Then Xiaoqiangqiang, what do you want? How about I ask Chenchen to apologize to you?"

Let the cute mommy talk to a fat man in a low voice, Xiao Chenchen can't bear it anymore, and ask him to apologize, so he won't do it, his little mouth is crooked, and he is shaking his face, but Xiao Qiangqiang, that hungry gaze has already Focusing on the bread, he looked at Jie Yiyi, and falteringly said, "Sister...you, what is that in your hand?"

Jie Yiyi understood his request. Now that children are so realistic in this society, she couldn't help but sarcastically smiled, but she still took out the bread that she was going to buy for Jie Sichen, "Do you want to eat this?"

Xiao Qiangqiang nodded when he heard it, "Yeah."

Glancing at Xiao Chenchen, Jie Yiyi gave him a look that you deserved nothing to eat, and then handed it to him, "Well, after Xiao Qiang has finished eating, we will get along with Chen Chen in the future? OK?"

The fat man only had food in his eyes and forgot everything else, he nodded, "OK"

Just when the bread was about to be in Xiaoqiang's hands, Xiao Chenchen couldn't stand it anymore, so he didn't allow himself to be bullied, grabbed the bread, glared at Xiaoqiang, then stuck out his tongue, and licked it up and down around the bread ring , and then showed a big smile, "It tastes very good, it's not spoiled bread, Xiaoqiangqiang, I checked it, you can eat it!"

"Ugh..." Xiaoqiang covered his mouth, and he licked it so disgustingly, who would dare to eat it, waved his hand and said, "Jie Sichen, you are so disgusting." Then he ran away.

This...Jie Yiyi looked at her son, not knowing whether to praise him for being smart or abnormal.

Yes, she opened her mouth to educate him, Jie Sichen took the piece of bread and started to eat it, and did not forget to break half of it for her, "Mummy, I know, don't teach me, I just attack you with words." Give him a moment, you need it, why don’t you give away the bread you bought for more than ten yuan? This is not kindness, this is being blackmailed, if you are cheated by a child, then you don’t want to be my mother, I'll be your mommy!"

PS: Let me tell you, Yan Shao and Yiyi will meet tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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