Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 872 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 25

Chapter 872 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 25
"That makes sense." Jie Yiyi nodded, uh, no...she shouldn't be taught by the child, she did this for the bright future of Jie Sichen, how could he despise her?

Damn Jie Sichen, you don't know what to do.Jie Yiyi bit the bread that Xiao Chenchen handed over, cursing inwardly.

In order to arrive at the appointment site on time at 07:30 in the evening, Jie Yiyi was busy almost as soon as she got back. Because the company is far away from the apartment, Jie Yiyi usually does not come back at noon, so some housework is piled up until the end of get off work at night I only do it when I come back, no, cleaning will make her completely exhausted. After cleaning, I have to go downstairs to buy vegetables and cook for the family. At this time, I am comfortably lazing on the sofa playing Super Mario The young master eats.

This guy is really heartless, she is so tired that she doesn't know to come over to care about him, and her round eyes are just staring at the game.

Ai... Jie Sichen, you complain that I am not your own mother, and I also complain that you are not my own.

Finally... After staying up until seven o'clock, she finished everything and took a nice shower.

In fact, she really wanted to wear casual clothes, but Zhizi called and emphasized repeatedly, what to say, she is a fashion designer after all, and she can't wear clothes too casually, which lowers her taste. She had no choice but to pick out clothes from the closet One by one, she designed the dress herself.

The original design is that the V-neck suspenders reveal half of the shoulders, and when it reaches the waist, it just closes the waist. However, the skirt is a flower bud style, a princess dress with a pink theme, but Jie Yiyi always feels that wearing it like this It looks weird, so I reorganized it. The V-neck is still a V-neck but with bubble-style lace. The off-shoulder style has been changed to half-sleeves. The skirt is still a flower bud style. The long skirt was changed to be knee-length, and a belt was specially designed around the waist.

Most people can't control pink, but the strange thing is that Jie Yiyi wears pink, but it looks indescribably beautiful. The design is extremely simple, but it makes people unforgettable. The temperament is completely matched, and people can't help but want to get close to each other.

"Wow, Mommy, you are so beautiful tonight." Xiao Chenchen, who had just had a full meal, couldn't help admiring when she saw Mommy put on this outfit, and the little nymphomaniac said.

Jie Yiyi put on a pair of beige lame-heeled sandals, thinking, when will your mommy not be pretty at night?But because I was in a hurry, I didn't bother to argue, "My dear son, Mommy has an appointment with a client to hand over the design draft, so you stay at home to watch Oo-Convex Man obediently at night, and when Mommy comes back, I'll bring you something delicious? OK?"

Xiao Chenchen folded her arms and leaned against the closet door, correcting Mummy's mistake, "Mummy, how many times have I told you that it's not Bumpman, it's Ultraman."

"Okay, then Ultraman, Mommy is leaving." Jie Yiyi knelt down and explained to him what she would tell him every time she went out.

Although Xiao Chenchen didn't want Mommy to leave, he knew that if Mommy didn't talk about the draft, he wouldn't get money, and if he couldn't get money, he wouldn't be able to eat, play games, go to school, and see When it comes to Ke'er, more importantly, he still has to live on the streets... Aima, he doesn't want to live such a life, no, no, no... I have to hurry up and get some serious work done.

(End of this chapter)

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