Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 873 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 26

Chapter 873 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 26
She stepped forward to hold Mommy's face, kissed her wildly, and then nodded obediently, "Okay, then go and come back quickly, don't make Xiao Chenchen wait too late. Also, go out to meet customers, cut off You can't let others take advantage of you. Mommy can only belong to me, Jie Sichen. If he touches you, you use a fork to hold his hand. If he wants to kiss you, you slap him. If you can't beat him, then use this clamp to clamp his JJ!"

After all, the little guy magically took out a small clip from behind, which was modified by himself. You only need to press it lightly, and the clip will automatically expand. Once something hits it, it will immediately Absorb it, clip it firmly.

It's normal for the son to be concerned and worried about Mommy when Mommy is out, but this guy, what's in his head?She started cursing her before she even went out?The clients and clients introduced by Zhizi have always been serious personnel, how can it be like what Jie Sichen said?

Xiao Chenchen saw that Mommy was a bit disdainful of his words, so she forced her to say whatever she said, "Take it, just in case, Mommy is so kind and easy to be bullied, okay?"

"To be honest, Mommy, it's very worrying for you to go out with a girl. Why don't you take me with you? If anyone dares to bully you, I'll hit one if they come up, and a pair if two come up. .”

As he spoke, he did not forget to make a gesture of Bruce Lee beating someone.

Jie Yiyi is embarrassing, isn't this her line?
If possible, she didn't want Xiao Chenchen to stay at home alone, after all, he was still young, and she was very worried, fearing that bad people would come in.

However, it is really inconvenient to meet with a client with a child. Moreover, this little guy is exactly the same as Yan Yifeng. He has a strong desire to possess since he was a child. If the two of them say a word, he may spill coffee on someone's face. This is dangerous. Child, with an unforgiving mouth, how dare she take him out.

"Well, well, Mommy, just bring your magic weapon. If someone really dares to bully your mommy, then mommy will use the method you taught me to deal with them? Beat them like a pig's head?"

"Hee hee..." Xiao Chenchen smiled in satisfaction.

He waved his hand, "Okay, then you can go, I will clean up the dishes."

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, Aima, had a few words with this little guy here, and was delayed for a few more minutes, if he didn't leave, he would really be late, indeed, he brought all the design drafts, and Jie Yiyi left.

Xiao Chenchen, who was pretending to be busy in the kitchen, immediately took out her mobile phone from her pocket when she heard the door was closed, pressed a series of familiar numbers, and called.

After ringing for about half a minute, the other party answered the phone. It was a male voice with a low voice, "Hello..."

"Uncle, it's the baby Chenchen from Yiyi's family." Even though Mommy is not there, Xiao Chenchen calls cautiously, for fear that the wall might have ears.

The man over there gave the ceiling a helpless look, and every time he called, he would start with this sentence, dare you change it to something new?Besides, it's not that he didn't save his number, needless to say, he already knows who it is.

This little guy, if you have nothing to ask, you don't have to talk to him for a year.Oh no, he simply forgot the existence of this character.

Sitting in the office, Jie Bailiang, who was still processing documents, already felt that the disaster was slowly approaching, "What happened again? Let me first declare that I am very busy recently, and I don't have time to help you deal with trivial matters. , children do wrong things, you have to be brave enough to bear it, your mommy can't do anything to you, at most she loses her temper and spanks a few times at you, and it didn't hurt your life."

(End of this chapter)

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