Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 888 [3 Years Later] Was Blacklisted

Chapter 888 [Three Years Later] Was Blacklisted

His father died of illness?

Seeing that his father was fine three years ago, why did he suddenly pass away?

However, these news are not from today, but from a few days ago. I went to the website and looked at the group of pictures. Many people came to the memorial service, but unfortunately, in that open space, there was only the tombstone of Yan Yan. From the photos In the picture, seeing his old photos, he seemed a little lonely.

At this time, seeing such news, Jie Yiyi didn't know what kind of mood she was in. Are you happy?Can't tell, are you sad?His death has nothing to do with her!
Yan Yifeng has officially taken over the Yan Family Consortium, he... is now the chief!
Looking down at herself and Chenchen again, she smiled wryly from the bottom of her heart, because the distance between them was getting farther...

Thinking of meeting him in the elevator last night, he didn't seem so sad!
That's right, the person he hated the most in his life was strictness. How could he be sad when he left?Needless to say, he is still researching the inheritance in the strict cemetery.

   For some reason, when she thought about last night, her heart began to ache again...

   She remembered that three years ago, when she left him to go abroad, he went to her and warned her that no matter what happened in the future, she was not allowed to leave him, otherwise, she would be blacklisted in his life...

Maybe, he is true, he did what he said...

She has been successfully included in his blacklist, otherwise, how could he put his arms around other women in front of her...

 "Ring..." The phone next to her rang and vibrated countless times before Jie Yiyi came back from her thoughts.

 She hated herself why she always thought of him, didn't she have a good life before?

In the past three years, you have lived well without him, haven't you?

Jie Yiyi, he doesn't love you anymore, give up! ~
  Every time she thinks of him, when she thinks of being distracted, Jie Yiyi always beats herself severely, and then resumes her normal life.

  The phone rang impatiently, and when Jie Yiyi saw that it was Wang Kaijun calling, she didn't dare to neglect it for a moment, and immediately picked it up.

As soon as he picked it up, he began to scold conveniently, "Miss Jie, do you still want to do business? I admit that it is very painful to revise the manuscript back and forth, but if the superior is not satisfied with this style, I can't help it. I just, Last night, I changed my decision temporarily, but you are fine. I called you all morning and didn’t answer, are you trying to show me? The customer is God, do you understand? "

Well, she didn't put on a face, okay?Just a little late to answer the phone!As soon as she arrived at the company in the morning, she sent him a message, but he didn't reply, and whoever made a face to whom, I don't know yet!

Well, for Chenchen's seven-day trip to Hawaii, she endured it!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I went to the bathroom just now and didn't receive a call. Have you figured out how to change the manuscript? I sent you a message just now."

"Okay, all you have to do is make excuses. Now take your manuscript to the design department on the 27th floor of the CE Building on Royal Road. You can just take her advice on revising the manuscript. CE has packaged our entire factory's clothing as the theme of this season. Pay, she said OK, I will pay you, be patient, the manuscript is excellent, and there is still a big order! Ms. Jie, I can tell you that CE orders are not available to everyone. Accept it! If I hadn't had some friendship with Miss Zhizi's father, I wouldn't have let you take advantage of such an order!"

(End of this chapter)

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