Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 889 [After 3 years] One write-off

Chapter 889 [Three Years Later] Forget it
CE building?

Jie Yiyizhengzhu, "President Wang, you want me to go directly to CE to communicate with them for the next revision?"

Although Wang Kaijun's company is not small, compared with CE, there is a world of difference. A big company like CE can have better partners. Why cooperate with Wang Kaijun?

Jie Yiyi vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, was it a coincidence?Or was it intentional?

"The meaning is almost the same. Anyway, when you satisfy them, the superior will review the manuscript for you. That's it. Call me if you have any questions."

Before Jie Yiyi could say anything more, the other party had already hung up the phone, and Jie Yiyi sighed heavily.

Go to CE?His territory?
To be honest, she really didn't want to go!
However, if she doesn't go, then 2W5 will definitely not be received, and the manuscript has been designed for so long, she doesn't want to be stupid.

Besides, even if she went, she wouldn't be so unlucky to meet Yan Yifeng.

Just go.

After sorting out the manuscript, Jie Yiyi went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

Well, this car is not hers, it is the one that Zhizi used to drive. This morning, when Zhizi called to apologize, she told her that she left the car there last night.

She said that she watched her squeeze the bus all day long, and it was impossible to count how many people took advantage of the bus. Her car couldn't be squeezed into the garage at home, and she was about to clean it up, but she thought she didn't have a car to drive, so she gave it to her. Jie Yiyi rejected her, but Zhenzi insisted on something else, saying that the last time, because she quarreled with her father, drank at the bar, her card was frozen, and she had no money to pay the bill, she was almost taken to the police station. It was she who maxed out her card and solved it for her.

She said this kindness, she has always kept it in her heart.

Jie Yiyi was helpless.

However, to be honest, she has also thought about buying a car. Zhizi's car can just be used to practice her driving skills...

The parking lot in the VIP area of ​​CE Building.

In a certain corner, a small head was exposed. Under the black peaked cap with a little monkey printed on it, a pair of round eyes with black frames and no mirrors scanned the parking lot vigilantly.

After the check was correct, he turned his head and said to the little square face standing beside him, "Bring the props!"

Xiaofang looked at Chenchen, then glanced at the domineering luxury car with the license plate number 8888, feeling a little lingering fear in his heart, "Xiao Chenchen, is this okay? If someone finds out, we will be sent to From the police station."

Chenchen said verbally that he would go to the amusement park, but in fact, he came to the CE Building to take revenge on the devil.

He asked Jie Bailiang to get this address for a long time. He originally wanted to go directly to the top floor to meet the devil, but the hateful security uncle actually told his little kid to go and play, Aima's, so After much deliberation, I can only think of this way.

Chenchen looked at Xiaofang's frowning expression, "Aima, don't worry, I've checked, the surveillance camera in the corner here can't shoot us."

Chenchen took the projector from Xiao Fanglian's hand, squinted his eyes, and said while aiming at the tires of the luxury car 8888.

"However, this car doesn't seem cheap. A tire costs hundreds of thousands. In case, if the owner of the car comes to the door, I can't afford it."

Hundreds of thousands of a tire?

Chenchen didn't take it seriously, how could that devil be so rich?One tire is worth more than a year's wages for Mommy.

Damn it, Uncle Bai Liang won't let him ask the devil for living expenses, and Mommy won't let him ask the devil for living expenses, so the young master's living expenses for the past few years will be written off on the tire.

(End of this chapter)

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