Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 890 [3 years later] Can you fart smoke?

Chapter 890 [Three years later] Can you fart smoke?
If you don't vent, it will be difficult to urinate!
Chenchen waved his hand, "Small square face, one person does the work and the other shoulders the burden. If you want to rush to undertake this matter, I won't let it!"

"This is what the devil owes me."

"Who is the devil?" A question flashed across Xiao Fang's face.

"No, demons are ghosts and ghosts that came out of hell. They are ugly and scary."

Xiaofang's face shrank back in fright, "Jeschen, don't be scary, okay?"

"If you don't want to pee your pants, just keep your mouth shut and watch my skills~" He squatted down, squinted one eye, and aimed at the rear tire.

When there was no car coming this way, I pressed the button to launch the projector.

With a sound of "gargle...", several thin needles flew out, and shot towards the rear tire very quickly.

Chenchen was aiming very accurately, and just about to shout 'long live', but found that the tire didn't blow out, and the few thin needles couldn't get in.

"Aima..." Chenchen called out puzzled.

Seeing this, Xiaofang covered his mouth and laughed loudly, "Jieschen, didn't you say that if you are fully prepared, you can do it in one go? Why didn't it explode?"

Three drops of sweat flowed down Chenchen's forehead, and he re-equipped the bullet-like tool. He turned his head and glanced at the small square face, "Aima, what do you know? When gods make mistakes, let alone young masters who are immature It's normal for a fairy to fail once, okay?"

"Small square face, to be honest, you look good when you smile, like an 80-year-old lady, with wrinkles and no teeth."

"Hey... Jie Sichen, is there someone who praises people like you..."?Before finishing the last words, Chenchen had already covered his mouth, made a "shh!" movement, and then, when he was ready, fired.

"Bump..." A loud noise came from the parking lot.

However, the rear tire of the car with the 8888 license plate was deflated in an instant.

"Wow... I really hit it this time, it's like farting, and it's smoking!" Xiao Fanglian couldn't help clapping his little hands when he saw such a fun scene for the first time.

Sweat dripped from Chen Chen's forehead again, "→_→ Small square face, what do you describe? Can you still smoke when you fart?"

The child didn't understand what kind of theory this was, so he nodded confidently, "Of course!"

Chenchen smiled disdainfully, "You're not farting, it's your butt that's on fire!"

"certainly not."

"It's not that the butt is on fire, it's that I ate explosives~"

"certainly not."

Just as the two guys were arguing, a questioning voice suddenly came from the front, "Who?"

Oops!There was such a loud noise in the parking lot just now that it attracted attention.

Panic flashed across Xiaofang's face, "What about Jie Sichen? I don't want to go to the police station, I don't want to be known by Mommy and Daddy, I'm doing bad things with you, I'm going to run away~~"

Not loyal enough, want to escape when something happens?If you die, I will drag you into the water too.

Chenchen grabbed Xiao Fanglian's sleeve, and scolded in a low voice, "Why are you running away? Get in!" He pointed to an Audi car, which meant to let him get under the car.

Xiao Fanglian's family was relatively rich and well-educated since he was a child, so he didn't want to let him get under the car, it was so dirty, he shook his head, "I don't..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stuffed in by Chenchen. When Chenchen saw the security outside the door coming in, he didn't have time to hide, so he quickly got in, but... the little guy, his clothes didn't touch the ground, because, the little guy, he was lying on the ground. on the face.

Xiaofang's face was suppressed and protested so much that he was about to make a sound, but Chenchen quickly covered his mouth and escaped.

The security guard came in, checked around, saw that there was no one around, and nothing happened, so he babbled a few words and then went back.

(End of this chapter)

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