Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 892 [3 years later] I will blow his tire once

Chapter 892 [Three Years Later] I'll Blow His Tire Once
"Oh, I'm sorry." Jie Yiyi silently endured the fat woman's eyes in the elevator, quickly got into the elevator, and pressed the 27th floor.

Although Jie Yiyi came to CE a lot of times, but...every time she came, she went directly to the top floor, so few people here knew her, but three years ago, a newspaper published their news and exposed Their faces were facing each other, so in the elevator, several women kept staring at her and discussing.

However, Jie Yiyi was not in the mood to listen to these, but was reading with the manuscript. When she reached the 27th floor, she came to the design department according to the address given by Wang Kaijun.

Well, Jie Yiyi originally thought that if someone changed the manuscript, her life would be easier, but she didn't expect...

The people in the design department frowned when they looked at her manuscript...

Said that she couldn't choose the color well, and the design was not avant-garde and fashionable enough.

Jie Yiyi admits that she is a little short in color selection, but, according to what Wang Kaijun said, these designs should take the high-end route. Compared with the ones she designed before, this time there has been a big breakthrough~ but it's here In their hands, it turned into trash.

In fact, Jie Yiyi secretly observed the faces of several other people. Some of them appreciated it at first, but when the manager said that the design was not good, they all nodded.

Jie Yiyi wondered if she really didn't have that talent for design. When she went to the bathroom, she overheard the conversation, and only then did she know that someone was really playing tricks.

  Said that she seemed to have offended the leaders above, so this manuscript had to be revised until she was tired before letting her go.

Hearing these words, a figure appeared in Jie Yiyi's mind, and then she just smiled...

Yan Yifeng?

She vaguely remembered the words he said in the elevator, "Do you think the game between us is really over? No... the real revenge has only just begun. You'd better be mentally prepared." To bear the price of betraying me!"

so what?Is he planning to kill her professionally?
After entering the elevator, Jie Yiyi kicked on the wall to vent.

  At this time, the phone rang, and it was Zhizi calling, Jie Yiyi picked it up feebly, "Hello!"

"Sister Yiyi, where are you?"

Looking at herself reflected in the elevator, Jie Yiyi sighed heavily, "Where else can I be? I was screwed..."

In the elevator, Jie Yiyi told Zhizi exactly what she heard.

At the same time, Yan Yifeng was also talking on his mobile phone in the elevator of CEO CE.

   However, he got into the elevator one minute earlier than Jie Yiyi, so when Jie Yiyi's elevator descended to the tenth floor, he had already got out of the elevator, just picked up the phone and walked towards his car.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't realize that there was something wrong with his car.

   He opened the door and started the car, but the car couldn't move. He frowned slightly, turned off the engine, restarted it, and it was still the same.

He realized that there was something wrong with the car, and when he got out of the car, he saw the flat rear tire of the car. His eyes darkened, and he was about to make a phone call to ask Bo An to give an explanation. As soon as he took out the phone, he heard a burst of familiar laughter .

He looked up and saw that Jie Yiyi was holding the phone and laughing, walking towards his white Audi, talking to Zhi Zi very happily, "Haha, to be honest, he should be punished, otherwise, heaven will not tolerate it." , the wrath of man and god!!"

"Well, what did you say? Blow his tire with a knife, haha, that's a good idea, anyway, there's no one in the parking lot, if the design department makes things difficult for me, I'll blow his tire once, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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