Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 893 [3 years later] The 89th key of the piano

Chapter 893 [Three years later] The 89th key of the piano

Jie Yiyi said these words not loudly, but they clearly fell into Yan Yifeng's eardrums.

After putting down the phone he was about to dial, the corners of his mouth opened slightly, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes~
Well, Jie Yiyi just listened to the phone and didn't see anyone behind her watching her. She stood there and continued talking for a while, then she hurried to hang up the phone, "Okay, don't talk anymore, I'm at the parking lot, see you in the evening chat!"

"Well, then you should drive carefully."

After hanging up the phone, Jie Yiyi put away her cell phone and was about to open the car door. Suddenly, she felt a strong cold wind coming from behind, binding her body like a tornado, making her stiff for a moment.

A burst of good-smelling breath came from the neck to the nose, and Jie Yiyi felt as if someone hugged her from behind. Although the breath was scary, it was extremely warm. If it wasn't for the back, a cold voice suddenly sounded, She might get drunk.

"Heh!" A piercing sneer pierced into Jie Yiyi's eardrums.

Uh = = is it him?Jie Yiyi subconsciously realized that the one standing behind her was none other than the owner who she said just now would blow his tires.

Oops~ Did he already hear this?

Jie Yiyi didn't look back, she was already familiar with his face, 36 tricks, walking is the best plan, what are you waiting for, run away.

Opening the car door, his right leg wanted to step forward, but... his body was grabbed by him one step forward. Not only that, he also pulled her over with amazing strength and pushed her to the side of the car. , and imprisoned Jie Yiyi in an oppressive situation.

Leaning his hands on the car window, he lowered his head and slowly approached Jie Yiyi, that perfect handsome face began to enlarge in front of her.

The menacing aura was getting closer and closer, causing Jie Yiyi's brain to short-circuit for an instant, and there was nothing in his mind, only the scene of him biting and punishing her in the elevator that night.

Redness crept up her cheeks in an instant, she didn't want to be weaker than him in front of him, she raised her chin, and said in a cold voice, "It's inevitable to talk to women in this way..."

Before she could finish speaking, the black-faced Yan Yifeng ruthlessly clasped her chin with one hand, and interrupted with a voice a hundred times colder than hers, "You are so bold, you dare to tamper with my car in my territory ? Tired of work? Huh?!"

Three years ago, when Yan Yifeng was angry, he liked to hold her chin and force her to meet his gaze. Three years later, he was still like this, but not that one. When she was in a bad mood, he would hug her , the man who kissed her and comforted her...

They are strangers, he is the No.80 nine keys of the piano, obviously close at hand, but the distance that Jie Yiyi can never touch.

Enduring the pain, Jie Yiyi slapped his hand away, "Huh? Boss Yan, you have a fever, a cold, or a nervous breakdown. When did I tamper with your car? Why didn't I know?"

She and Zhizi just had this idea, and before they acted, this guy came to ask for debts, which is really ridiculous.

If you want to make a false accusation, you have to see whether the evidence is convincing.

Uh... I don't look at his car, but I suddenly feel guilty. Emma, ​​in this world, can it be such a coincidence that his car blew up just as she said she was going to blow his tire?
Could it be that God also disliked him and was cleaning him up for her?But... the time to clean up is wrong...

Seeing Jie Yiyi's sudden seizure, the corners of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled slightly, and a frightening smile flashed across his black eyes, "Nothing to say? The market value of the limited edition Rolls-Royce is 5000 million, and it fell into my hands after being modified. The value, if you throw it out, the sales volume will be 500 billion. If you blow one of my tires, I will count you 500 million. For the sake of the old lover, I will give you a 500% discount, 500 million. You used to serve me on the bed~, for the comfort of serving me, I don't want [-] million, I only charge you [-] million, [-] million, cash or check, it's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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