Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 895 [3 years later] I will sleep with you for 5 nights

Chapter 895 [Three years later] I will sleep with you for five nights

When Jie Yiyi heard Chen Chen's voice, she first waved, thinking that she was hallucinating again, but it wasn't true, she lowered her eyes and looked, not far away, Chen Chen's small body was running towards this side quickly , with anger on her immature face.


When Yan Yifeng heard the name, he made a gesture first, then turned around, and was about to look over. At this time, Chenchen had already rushed over, and he didn't know where he borrowed the strength. With one push, Yan Yifeng was pushed away from Jie Yiyi. open.

Immediately afterwards, he stood in front of Jie Yiyi, opened his hands, made a protective posture, looked up at his head, and stared coldly at Yan Yifeng, "Devil, if you dare to touch my mommy, I will fight you!"

Yan Yifeng, who was pushed aside, looked at the child in front of him who was only as tall as his thigh but was extremely unwilling to show weakness.

It wasn't the first time they met, but it was the first time they looked at each other so closely.

Although he looks small, what I have to admit is that the boy in front of me looks very similar to him, eyes, nose, mouth... Even the eyebrows are carved out by God after imitating him...

Jie Yiyi left him because of the child, so in the past few years, Yan Yifeng has somewhat hated the child in his heart, but now, he is standing in front of him like this, for some reason, his heart that has been frozen for several years, Suddenly, there is such a trace of emotion...

His name is Chenchen?

However, the emotion was only for a moment, and soon, Yan Yifeng's eyes became cold.

There is a very ominous premonition in Jie Yiyi's heart, she has been carefully hiding Chenchen, not to expose him to Yan Yifeng, because she is afraid that Yan Yifeng will snatch the child with her.

No matter whether she is unmarried and pregnant, no matter whether Yan Yifeng has taken care of the child in the past few years, no matter how much Chen Chen hates him, as long as he wants this child, Jie Yiyi will definitely lose the lawsuit...

Because she couldn't afford a good lawyer, and, for a domineering person like Yan Yifeng, what could he not get?

He said that this is the real beginning of the revenge between them. She is afraid, really afraid. In this world, she can do without anyone, but she cannot live without Chenchen.

Seeing Chen Chen's small body standing in front of her regardless of danger, Jie Yiyi's heart was warm and relieved.

Mommy Chenchen didn't raise you for nothing, she knows how to protect Mommy at such a young age.

After recovering, Jie Yiyi pulled Chenchen back, "Chenchen, didn't you go to the amusement park? Why are you here?"

Chenchen didn't answer him, but still stared at Yan Yifeng coldly.

For a long time, Jie Yiyi never told Chenchen what his father looked like, so Jie Yiyi planned to hide it, lowered her head to Chenchen's ear, and said softly, "Chenchen, this person is not a devil, you admit it wrong, He is a rich man, we can't afford to mess with him, let's go."

Saying that, she grabbed Chen Chen's hand and wanted to leave, Chen Chen turned his head and gave Jie Yiyi a disapproving look, "I'm not mistaken, he looks so much like me, who else is he?"

"Mommy, go away and leave this to me!"

Jie Yiyi is embarrassed.

Yan Yifeng listened to Chenchen's immature voice, then looked at Jie Yiyi's bewildered appearance, twitched the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "Jie Yiyi, you think the way I strike up a conversation is old-fashioned, then you arrange this performance, It's not old-fashioned, and you want to use this method to win my favor for him? This will only..."
"you shut up!"

"you shut up!"

The previous sentence was said by Chen Chen.

The last sentence was said by Jie Yiyi.

Jie Yiyi glanced at Chenchen, and Chenchen also cooperated to look back at Jie Yiyi, and when he smiled triumphantly, he still didn't forget to give Mommy an electric shock.

Well, Jie Yiyi admitted that she was electrocuted.

No one dared to interrupt Yan Yifeng's speech. This was the first time, and it was a kid who turned cold. The chill suddenly rose in the parking lot...

When ordinary people see Yan Shao like this, they will definitely run away without saying a word, because everyone knows that his volcano is about to explode.

But Chenchen didn't care if he exploded or not, if it exploded, he would use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

Chenchen was not afraid, but took a step forward, put his hands on his hips, and raised his eyebrows proudly, "Devil, I thought you were so smart, but I didn't expect that you are as stupid as a donkey... Do you know that you made a mistake?" Oh, my mommy is so kind and lovely, so she wouldn't do such cowardly things, I broke the wheels of your car~ huh..."

Yes, after the devil's car exploded, Jie Yiyi came here. At first, Chenchen was afraid, because Mommy found out that he came here to do bad things, but he didn't understand that Mommy wanted to come here because of Mao. Here, so I hid in the corner with Xiao Fanglian, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, finally, I waited for such a scene.

Although he was also afraid that he would be scolded to death by Mommy when he went back, but it didn't matter if he beat him, no matter what, he couldn't let others bully Mommy, especially the devil with such a weak soul.

Chen Chen's opening made Jie Yiyi understand. It turned out that this guy Chen Chen lied to her, saying that he was going to the amusement park on the surface, but he secretly came here with her on his back and burst the windmill tire...

Who told him that Yan Yifeng's car was here?Gardenia?Impossible, Zhizi has no reason to be so cowardly, who is that?Well, Jie Boliang... that damned guy, he will die when he goes back.

However, to be honest, if it wasn't because Yan Yifeng was still here, could she give Chenchen a compliment? She really wanted to say, it's a blast~
Who told him to make Wang Kaijun embarrass her manuscript?
Not only that, but also framed her indiscriminately...

Haha... It turns out that Chenchen is her God~ Every wish of hers has been fulfilled for her, it really is a mother-child bond~
Seeing Chenchen's proud mockup, Yan Yifeng's face turned even darker!

Damn woman, this is how she taught her son these three years?
The cold killing intent shot at Jie Yiyi, "This is the good son you taught? Huh?"

Taking steps, Yan Yifeng stepped forward, ready to approach Jie Yiyi.

Chenchen pushed him away with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, "Of course, it wasn't taught by Mommy, could it be you who taught me?"

"Okay, that's the end of today's tire blowout plan. Remember, I will come to patronize you tomorrow, Mommy, Xiaofanglian, let's go."

With that said, Chenchen opened the door and was about to invite Jie Yiyi into the car.

Who is Yan Yifeng?

Can you offend me casually?
The answer is, of course not.

After finally seizing this opportunity to keep her by his side, how could he let it go, "Show me 500 million, and I'll let you go!"

Chenchen was not happy when he heard it. This devil, he fulfilled his father's responsibility in just a few seconds, and then he ignored her and Mommy. He didn't ask him for debts, but his villain came to the door first!

He turned his head, "500 million a tire, you think my Jie Sichen's family is printing money? Do you want me to fart 500 million for you?"

After finishing speaking, he thought something was wrong again, "No, I can't fart that much all at once. After 500 million, my ass will explode."

The little hand reached into his pocket and took out a banknote, a red one, a very small one, "There is no 500 million, but there is [-] cents. If you don't like it, I will sleep with you for five nights!"

(End of this chapter)

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