Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 896 [3 years later] If you mess with me, you will die!

Chapter 896 [Three years later] If you mess with me, you will die!
"Pfft..." Jie Yiyi wanted to laugh, how dare this little guy say anything?You didn't see that Yan Yifeng's face was as purple as an eggplant, and he stared at Chenchen with hatred, as if he wanted to chew him up in his mouth.

"What are you looking at? If you don't accept it, you can bite me!"

Yan Yifeng still didn't speak.

Chen Chen glared at him, "Hmph!"

"If you insist on letting me spend 500 million yuan before letting us go, then yes! I will give it to you, and if you dare to pester Mommy again, I will look good on you."

Chenchen's words shocked Jie Yiyi, how could he have 500 million?
Chenchen, you like to joke, don't just joke around with money, okay?

After a while, Mommy, all the family wasted, including underwear sold for less than 100 million.

Yes, Jie Yiyi hadn't had time to stop him, Chenchen had already taken the paper and pen from Xiaofang's facebook bag, and was writing in a decent manner.

After finishing writing, she tore off the paper with a tear, and threw it into Yan Yifeng's hand, "Here!"

Yan Yifeng didn't answer it, but looked down and saw that on the white paper, the five big characters '600 million check' were scrawled, and underneath it was his crooked signature of Jie Sichen.

Yan Yifeng was expressionless, but the corners of his mouth were twitching~
Immediately afterwards, Jie Yiyi seemed to hear the sound of Yan Yifeng's heart spurting blood, she dared not look directly, dare not look directly.

"The 500 million you asked for is here, and there is 100 million left, please cash it and transfer it to my mommy's account, thank you for your cooperation!"

Finally, Chenchen realized the devil's anger, and after saying this, without further ado, he pulled Jie Yiyi and Fang Mian into the car, then closed the car door as quickly as possible, and asked Jie Yiyi to drive away.

The devil was left alone with a dark face, holding the Martian check that Chenchen had drawn, standing there, watching their car leave.

It wasn't until Jie Yiyi's car was completely out of sight that he lowered his head again and read the note again and again.

Anger rose, but quickly died down, he sneered, "Interesting!"

"Jie Yiyi, you will die if you mess with me!"

 It was the first time that Jie Yiyi drove at such a fast speed, leaving the CE building far behind, and then slowed down the speed.

Chenchen, who was sitting on the co-pilot, patted his chest, "It's okay, okay, the devil didn't catch up."

Jie Yiyi has been holding back from the parking lot until now, and finally couldn't help laughing, "Pfft, hahaha..."

Thinking of Yan Yifeng's face that was turned into black carbon by Chenchen, Jie Yiyi felt very refreshed.

Fortunately, Chenchen arrived, otherwise, she really didn't know if she would be able to leave CE safely.

Chenchen, who kept patting his chest, was relieved to see Mummy smiling so happily. First, he took a drink from the car, took a big sip, and then asked, "Mummy, are you happy?"

Jie Yiyi couldn't deny it, "Of course! You didn't see that the devil's face was so black that it was about to explode, can Mommy..."

Jie Yiyi turned her face sideways, looked at Chen Chen, and realized that his clothes were dirty, and his face was covered with a lot of dust, as dirty as if he had just come out of a garbage dump, uh... this child... …

"Jeschen, you didn't tell me why you appeared in CE?"

 Chenchen stuffed the projector back into his schoolbag, "Mum, the process is not important, what matters is the result. Now, Mommy is very happy, isn't she? So Mommy, when you drive to the vegetable market, stop for a while." Car, I'm going to buy vegetables, and I'll cook for you when I get back~"

(End of this chapter)

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