Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 898 [3 years later] Mommy is my first love

Chapter 898 [Three years later] Mommy is my first love

Chenchen giggled, "Mummy is my first love."

Jie Boliang couldn't stand it anymore, and mentioned the big and small bags, "You guys talk, I'll cook."

Well, Zhizi admitted that the reason she dragged him here was to let him into the kitchen and cook a delicious meal, hee hee~
No need to cook by yourself, Chenchen clapped his hands excitedly, "Wakaka, Uncle Bai Liang, you are so interesting, I like it."

Zhizi took advantage of the situation and sat next to Jie Yiyi, Jie Yiyi peeled a grape and put it in her mouth, raised her eyebrows and asked, "The opportunity has come, why don't you go in together?"

Zhizi naturally knew what opportunity Jie Yiyi was talking about.

She had a thick skin, and it was rare to show a trace of shame, and then quickly covered it up, "Go in and die? I never go into the kitchen, as you know."

"Besides, your kitchen is so small, can two people be squeezed in?"

Jie Yiyi smiled, "You have cataracts? Is my kitchen small?"

   Although the kitchen of more than 30 square meters is not comparable to that of Zhizi's house, it is not so small that two people can't squeeze in.

"Oh, it's rare to see Zhizi's godmother look ashamed..." Chenchen fell on Jie Yiyi's lap, and ate the freshly peeled grapes in Jie Yiyi's hands.

"Jeschen, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

"People will only think you are a fool when you talk." Chenchen replied.

With a "poof", Gardenia's internal organs were bleeding.

Well, as expected of inheriting Yan Yifeng's genes, you are ruthless.

In order not to cause a quarrel between the two, Jie Yiyi pushed Chenchen, "Jie Sichen, don't be too big or small, go to the kitchen to help, don't forget, today is your cooking."

"Oh Mommy, I don't like cooking."

"I don't dislike~"

After sending Chenchen away, Zhizi began to interrogate the parking lot. When Jie Yiyi told her the process, Zhizi smiled and lay on the sofa.

Isn't Young Master Yan invincible? How can he face Chenchen? His poisonous tongue in the past doesn't work anymore?Is it knotted, or broken?

Jie Yiyi gave Zhi Zi a contemptuous look, "Is it really that funny?"

Although she also laughed for a long time in the car, Mu Xin didn't say as exaggeratedly as Zhi Zi.

Zhizi covered her stomach, "Okay, I held back, and then, did he accept or tear up the check that Chenchen wrote?"

  This Chenchen is too spoof, she used a blank piece of paper to imitate others to write a check, and she heard that the blood vessels in her internal organs were clogged, so Yan Shao, wouldn't it be... well, she didn't have the guts to curse him.

  Jie Yiyi stopped halfway through peeling the grapes, "I don't know, as soon as Chenchen pulled me into the car, I left at a super speed. Anyway, I guess he is very angry~ well, you are done laughing now, you are done laughing." You should help me think about the design draft."

"If you offend him, I think life will be very difficult in the future~"

   She has been in a state of pleasure after taking revenge on him, but she never thought that she is still working under his company.

However, even if something like today hadn't happened, her life would still be difficult.

That bastard Yan Yifeng just refused to let her go.

This time Zhizi really stopped laughing, "Well, I have already felt that disaster is coming, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Can I abandon the manuscript?"

"Yes! Send back the 2W5 payment I made in the past, and pay me a little less than [-] cents according to the compensation amount in the first contract we signed. If you can do it, then you have successfully abandoned the manuscript!"

(End of this chapter)

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