Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 899 [Love's Bully] Your skirt is unzipped

Chapter 899 [Love's Bully] Your skirt is unzipped

When we talked about the manuscript again, it was already noon the next day.

After sending Zhizi and the others away yesterday, Jie Yiyi started to revise the draft, and all the changes were made according to their requirements. As a result...the CE design department kept making troubles and refused to pass the draft no matter what, Jie Yiyi knew that Yan Yifeng was among them What a joke, that's right, it blew his tire and made him lose face. According to Yan Yifeng's character, it's no wonder that he let her go so easily.

Therefore, Jie Yiyi decided to quit, at worst, the 2W5 would be swallowed by dogs, so she wouldn't be forced to die because of that little money.

So at noon, she called Wang Kaijun to tell him about the discarded manuscript. Unexpectedly, Wang Kaijun gave him such an answer.


These manuscripts have been designed for so long, is it too much for her to only charge him 2W5?There is obviously no problem with her manuscript, but Yan Yifeng's people wanted to embarrass her, but now, he has a reason.

After becoming Chenchen's mother, Jie Yiyi has always controlled her temper and treated everyone with a gentle attitude, but...now she finally couldn't help it, "Mr. Wang, I can see it personally, it's not that there is something wrong with my design." , but the CE side is embarrassing me, I have modified it ten thousand times and still fail! If you earn 5 yuan, I am afraid I will starve to death!"

"Then I don't care, I didn't put a knife on your neck to force you to accept the manuscript! Under such circumstances, you don't have to accept it at all, but if you accept the manuscript, you must complete it unconditionally!"

"Besides, Ms. Jie, you don't even have a designer certificate. A big company like CE is willing to question your profession and give you opinions. For you, it is a rare learning opportunity. You should Cover your mouth and snigger instead of yelling at me! At seven o’clock in the evening, in the Royal Restaurant, Box 11, someone will tell you how to rectify the next draft…”

"Oh? So, if your father slept with your wife, you don't scold him, but thank him for training your wife's bed skills, right?"


No matter how Jie Yiyi fed her, no one responded, Jie Yiyi exploded in anger, called back, and the phone was turned off.

Damn Wang Kaijun, I curse you for giving birth to a son without chrysanthemums.

Looking at the pile of revised manuscripts, Jie Yiyi was bored to the core.

I really want to take a knife and go to CE to blow up all the tires in the parking lot like Zhizi said~
I really want to sprinkle some cow urine in Wang Kaijun, in the design department, in Yan Yifeng's coffee~
Well, if you are not discouraged, just buy a palladium and pierce them thousands of times every day...

However, she couldn't do any of them. This wasn't the most painful thing. The most painful thing was that she had to take the design draft to the restaurant to revise it at night.

For Chenchen's travel, Jie Yiyi rises up.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Jie Yiyi arrived at the Royal Restaurant on time.

When she came to the door of the box and saw the number of the box above, she couldn't help but feel a strange emotion in her heart, 11, Yiyi.

Well, she admits, she thinks too much.

Push open the box door and walk in.

This box is bigger and more luxurious than she expected, Jie Yiyi wondered, it's just a draft change, does it need to be so luxurious?Why, as soon as I came in, did I have an ominous premonition?
Sure enough, her hunch was right, because...

Behind her at this time, the devil was approaching step by step, and Jie Yiyi was feeling that her waist was being tightened, and then, a burst of charming breath rushed over, and she was startled, because someone hugged her from behind Her waist, she was about to push it away, and just about to turn around, a joking voice came into her ears coldly, "Miss Jie, the zipper on the back of your skirt has fallen off!"

(End of this chapter)

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