Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 901 [Love's Bullying] Meaning of Room 11

Chapter 901 [Love's Bullying] Meaning of Room 11

I don't know if it's because of the prominent status, and the reason why everyone dare not neglect, the dishes ordered by Yan Yifeng arrived within a few minutes.

Dozens of waiters came in to serve the food, to pour the wine, to prepare the tableware, and Yan Yifeng, like a king, was aloof and enjoyed the feeling of being served.

Although Jie Yiyi has been looking down at the design draft, but from the corner of her eye, she still caught sight of a few waiters who were accosting Yan Yifeng, but Yan Yifeng didn't mean to dislike her, and stared at her Yes, looked at Jie Yiyi again, and then said, "Your voice is so sweet."

The waiter is Yizheng first, and almost everyone knows Yan Shao's personality.

Box No. 11 of the Royal Restaurant is exclusive to Yan Yifeng, and no one is allowed to enter without his permission.

I vaguely remember one time, there was a guest who liked the box No. 11 because it looked luxurious and equipped, just like a suite. The waiter explained to her that this room was booked by a guest, but the domineering The guests, but did not listen to persuasion, opened the door and came in while Yan Yifeng was eating...

Just pushed a door.

Before he could step forward, his knife and fork was almost thrown over. Later, Yan Shao asked to change the door, the carpet, and cut off the man's legs. From then on, everyone will avoid this box room .

Does Box No. 11 have any special meaning for Yan Shao?no one knows.

Of course, there are also many women who don't know how to live or die, seduce him while he is alone in the box, and the end is very miserable. She also dared to try so boldly because she has a pretty face. She was coquettish in front of him, to see if she could win his heart, but unexpectedly, Yan Shao even praised her for her sweet voice.

It's as unreal as a dream, but the bliss is so intense, so real.

However, after she was happy, she caught a glimpse of the woman sitting at the other end, and her heart turned cold. Who is this woman?Yan Shao actually brought her to dinner. He praised her for her sweet voice, probably to anger this woman.

Jie Yiyi really didn't want to show any emotions, but she couldn't help it, and finally raised her eyes and glanced at the woman.

Immediately, a sentence came to my mind, which was a description of a primary school student to the head teacher, "Ms. Wang is in class, and the chest will come first. After class, Mr. Wang will leave, but the buttocks are still there."

These words are probably used to describe this kind of woman. It seems that no matter how indifferent or arrogant a man is, he can't resist the temptation of a woman's chest.

Hehehehe... Although Yan Yifeng's compliment was not a compliment to her, she still had goosebumps all over the ground, disgusting, really disgusting, so disgusting that she felt a little sour.

The waiter woke up after being dazed by happiness, covered his mouth and grinned, "Thank you, Yan Shao, for your compliment, do you need me to serve your meal..."

She thought Yan Yifeng would nod, but unexpectedly, Yan Yifeng's expression suddenly changed, and he said indifferently, "You can go out now!"

The waiter glared at Jie Yiyi, and left unwillingly.

To be honest, Yan Yifeng originally wanted to get angry with Yiyi with that woman, but whenever he saw her expressionless face with hurt eyes, his mood would become heavy and complicated.

He couldn't bear to hurt her, even if he hated her in his heart.

The waiter prepared tableware for Jie Yiyi, but Jie Yiyi didn't move, and continued to look at the manuscript, while Yan Yifeng glanced at her, and swallowed the words "Let's eat together" on his lips, this woman, and his son teamed up to deal with it He, he blew his tire, why...why should he care about her so much?

(End of this chapter)

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