Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 902 [Love Bullying] Shut up!

Chapter 902 [Love Bullying] Shut up!

Suppressing that urge, he picked up the knife and fork, cut the steak, dipped it in some sauce, and put it in his mouth.

Jie Yiyi still sat there calmly, looking at her design draft.

To be honest, I asked her to come to Room 11 today because I wanted to have a meal with her, but I just couldn't open my mouth.

Feeling bored, I wanted to say something, to stir up some topics, but... there was nothing to talk about. At the critical moment, Yan Shao's mouth seemed to be broken, hee hee.

In fact, Jie Yiyi didn't bother to read the design draft, but used the mirror of the watch to look at Yan Yifeng.

When he eats, he can't make a sound, and he doesn't gulp like other men. He is gentle and elegant, cutting steak like a gentleman.

Well, she swears, she peeked at him definitely not because she admired the way he was eating, but because of... Hehe.

After eating a few bites of steak, Yan Yifeng put down the knife and fork again, took out the soup, and was about to drink it, when Jie Yiyi's cell phone rang.

Jie Yiyi was overjoyed, reached into her bag and took out her cell phone, then glanced at Yan Yifeng, "I'll answer the call, you can continue to drink your soup, it's okay."

After finishing speaking, Jie Yiyi didn't intend to leave the box, so she picked it up openly.

Yan Yifeng vaguely felt that something was wrong, because this was not like Jie Yiyi's style.

But people will always change, he lowered his head, pricked up his ears slightly, and listened to what Jie Yiyi was talking about while drinking the soup.

Jie Yiyi picked up the phone, and Chenchen's immature voice came from the other side, "Mommy..."

That lazy voice directly captured Jie Yiyi's heart, and she had a slight smile on her face, "What's the matter, Chenchen, Mommy is revising the manuscript with a client, and she won't be able to go home until later."

Chenchen was sitting on the sofa, holding on to the mobile phone in one hand, and holding the remote control of the game console in the other hand, tapping on it, "Chenchen misses Mommy."

Yan Yifeng, who was drinking soup with his head down, felt his chest tighten. This little guy has always been so beating since he was born. Before, he dominated Jie Yiyi and drank her milk, and now he dominates her again. Tired of saying miss her!
Is Jie Yiyi anything he can think of?
However, he is no longer unable to control his emotions like he was three years ago. He has learned patience, concealment and hypocrisy.

He obviously had a bad life and missed her, but he was hypocritical, emphatic, forcing himself, telling himself that without her, it would be fine.

In fact, it was useless to force himself like this. After losing her, even though the whole world belonged to him, he lived every day alone.

"Well, Mommy misses Chenchen very much too. Has Chenchen eaten yet? Mommy ordered a takeaway for you."

Yan Yifeng didn't hear what Chen Chen said very clearly, but only saw a slight change in Jie Yiyi's face.

"What? I felt unwell after eating chicken chops, and had diarrhea? I didn't have time to go to the bathroom, and my pants were stretched? When I took a shower, the whole bathroom was full of poop?"

Yan Yifeng, who was drinking soup, heard Jie Yiyi's words, took out the soup for a moment, and then his Adam's apple tightened, and the soup he just swallowed was rolling in his stomach...

Looking at the bowl of soup he just drank, he lost his appetite~
That's not the point, the point is, Jie Yiyi was still talking about pooping or something, Yan Yifeng's face darkened, he stretched out his claws, snatched her phone, cut it off, and a cold voice sounded, "Jie Yiyi, you shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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