Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 903 [Love's Bullying] Is 5 ready?

Chapter 903 [Love's Bullying] Is 500 ready?

He leaned forward to her, acting like I was more reasonable than you, and that complacent look seemed very childish in Jie Yiyi's eyes,

Only fools will kiss back.

Jie Yiyi felt that her whole body was on fire, and she was about to slap again when she raised her hand, but seeing Yan Yifeng's half flushed face, she endured it again.

She didn't know why she could hit him.

In short, after the beating, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart. A certain nerve line deep in my heart felt like being bitten by an ant. It was indescribably uncomfortable.

She hit him, he can hide, why not hide?
After a long time, Jie Yiyi took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "Yan Yifeng, my son is at home alone, I don't have time to play with you now, your meal is over, I think, let's talk about work .”

Yes, it seems that she has learned a lot in the past three years.

In front of him, she at least learned to be tolerant and calm.

However, she didn't know that Yan Yifeng actually wanted her to quarrel with him in his heart.

Because, he likes it very much. Looking at her angry little face, when she is angry, it is really distressing. If that is the case, he may let go of his dignity and face just like three years ago because of his soft heart. Bring her home in a domineering way...

But the plot, after all, did not develop as he imagined.

"it is good!"

He moved a dining chair and sat next to Jie Yiyi.

First, he took Jie Yiyi's design draft, and then picked a series of faults. Every time he looked at a design drawing, he couldn't help frowning, as if he was particularly disgusted...

Seeing his appearance, Jie Yiyi couldn't help but want to borrow a flashlight from Doraemon. As long as the light shines on him, his body will shrink. When he shrinks to the size of an ant, she will trample him to death.

After reading the draft, Yan Yifeng asked her to complete the draft. In fact, what he said was all nonsense. He said that her design draft had that kind of temperament and image, but he was not satisfied with the draft.

From 08:30 to ten o'clock, before he finished his opinion, Jie Yiyi was furious, "Yan Yifeng, are you interested?"

Yan Yifeng put down the design draft unhurriedly, and raised his eyebrows with a serious look, "Huh? I'm your client, so it's interesting to put forward my own ideas."

He was flirting with her, he was taking revenge on Chenchen for blowing her tire, he was taking revenge, she said poop when he was drinking soup.

"I'm asking you, do you really want to kill them all like this? You, Yan Yifeng, who ranks number one on Asia's richest list, shouldn't be someone who manages everything every day and is so busy that his chest sticks to his back. Such a design, which is not as small as an ant, Is it necessary for you to come and give advice in person? Are you embarrassing such a small commoner? Are you full?"

Seeing Jie Yiyi finish these words in one breath, Yan Yifeng couldn't help chuckling, "This is my business, does it have something to do with you?"

Jie Yiyin pouted, unable to find anything to refute.

"So, Miss Jie just needs to change it as I said!"

Jie Yiyi gritted her teeth with hatred, but there was nothing she could do about him, "Chenchen just blew a tire of your car, are you sure you want to be petty?"

Yan Yifeng smiled again, "Miss Jie is really the one who can't open the pot and which pot to carry."

"Is the 500 million ready? Not ready..." At this point, his face suddenly moved closer, his dangerous eyes narrowed, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If you don't have all ready, at night..."

Jie Yiyi couldn't bear it, Yan Yifeng looked at her so closely, because she was afraid...and accidentally fell into it, "You want me to sleep with you, you think too beautifully..." She pushed him away.

(End of this chapter)

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