Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 904 [Love's Bullying] The World's Stupidest Idiot

Chapter 904 [Love's Bullying] The World's Stupidest Idiot
Jie Yiyi thought that Yan Yifeng had something important to say to her, but it turned out~
Yan Yifeng's words made her laugh lightly, "Yan Yifeng, it seems that you are really sick! I am a private car, not a taxi, and I have no obligation to take you home."

It's really ridiculous, I have a car and can't drive it, but I have to squeeze with her in a car that is not worthy of his status.

Yan Yifeng's chest hurts.

Jie Yiyi, you are right, I am indeed seriously ill, his stomach does not allow drinking, but because of his hypocrisy, he wanted to pretend that he had a good life in front of her, he specially ordered red wine, talking and drinking in a high-profile and luxurious manner, Only he knows how uncomfortable his stomach is at this moment.

His hypocritical, face-saving disease can indeed be cured.

Yan Yifeng turned his face to the side, I don't know if it was because of the light or... At this moment, his face looked a little pale, he smiled, but his voice was weak, "I am indeed sick, did you bring the medicine?"

He reached out and took the medicine for her.

Jie Yiyi clearly knew that what he said was not true, but... her heart still couldn't bear the pain.

he is sick?
Many images of his injury flashed through her mind, arm?chest?still……?
She stopped fantasizing, Yan Yifeng is so strong, with an indestructible body, how could he get sick?
Jie Yiyi, what is your relationship with him? Why do you care about him so much?
"Yes! There is a bottle of Dichlorvos, do you want it?" Jie Yiyi answered him.

Yan Yifeng frowned, as if in real pain, he covered his chest, "What is dichlorvos?"

"Dichlorvos is..."

Jie Yiyi was about to start the car, when she lowered her eyes, she saw Yan Yifeng with a pale face. At that moment, her heart seemed to be gouged out by a sharp knife, and an indescribable pain spread from her chest. Turning sideways to straighten his body, "Yan Yifeng, what's wrong with you?"

Wasn't it fine just now?
Yan Yifeng frowned into a Sichuan character, he squinted his eyes, "Stomach pain, is there stomach medicine in the car?"

Although Jie Yiyi does not have a healthy body, in order for Chen Chen to grow up healthily, she eats every meal on time, so the healthiest part of her body should be her stomach.

Seeing his pain, Jie Yiyi didn't seem to be faking it, the nerves all over his body were pulled together, "No, I don't have stomach medicine in the car, you are fine, why did you suddenly have a stomachache?"

"Drinking just now..."

Jie Yiyi became angry, "Yan Yifeng, how old are you, and you haven't learned how to take care of yourself? You know that you have a bad stomach, but you still drink, you idiot, and you call me stupid, you are the most stupid idiot in the world."

After scolding, she observed his face again, "Is it really painful? You wait for me here, I'll buy you stomach medicine..."

As she spoke, she opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, but at this moment, her hand was grabbed.

Before she could turn around, a playful voice came from behind, "Jie Yiyi, are you nervous about me?"

The magnetic voice was completely different from the weak voice just now.

Jie Yiyi realized that she was being tricked, she turned her head, Yan Yifeng had a safe and sound smile on her face, Jie Yiyi's heart relaxed a little, and the tears that were about to fall were also put away at that moment.

However, all those emotions were suppressed by Yan Yifeng's eyes. She...was crying?
Crying, the word, hurt his heart.

Just when Yan Yifeng felt guilty for her excess, a smile suddenly appeared on Jie Yiyi's face, she raised her eyebrows, "How is it, I cooperated well?"

(End of this chapter)

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