Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 905 [Love's Bullying] People have been waiting for you for a long time

Chapter 905 [Love's Bullying] People have been waiting for you for a long time


Her nervousness just now wasn't from the bottom of her heart, it was all a faux pas?
hehe.What did he think?It turned out that he was thinking too much!
His pain just now was not pretended, it was because he saw her so nervous that he felt better.

However, he didn't want to pretend to be so embarrassed in front of her, so...

If her concern just now is not fake...

Maybe tonight, he won't have insomnia when he sleeps.

After knowing such a result, each other's hearts were hurting, obviously they really cared, but it turned into a drama.

Yan Yifeng quickly suppressed his emotions and gave a thumbs up, "That's right, I can win an Oscar!"

Jie Yiyi accepted his compliment, "You are not bad either."

"Learned from you."

Is it Yan Yifeng?

Blind people can see that I'm really nervous about you, your 5.76 megapixel eyes laugh at my acting skills.

The car drove out of the parking lot, Jie Yiyi didn't intend to quarrel too much with him, and drove the car towards Yan's house.

Anyway, it's only about half an hour from here to Yan's house, and if she spends more time with him, she probably won't be able to get home tomorrow. When she meets a rascal like him, she reluctantly admits it.

Along the way, the two fell silent.

The temperature in the car dropped rapidly to below [-] degrees Celsius.

The chest was always painful, Jie Yiyi was silent again, Yan Yifeng took out the cigarette, lit it and smoked.

Jie Yiyi looked at him from the corner of her eyes, "It's not stomach..." She wanted to say, isn't it a stomachache? Why are you still smoking? She didn't remember until she was on the verge of speaking. He pretended everything just now.

Seeing that Jie Yiyi frowned, Yan Yifeng took two puffs, pushed down the car window, and threw the cigarette out, "Just take me home like this, are you afraid that I will lock you in the strict house and not let you go back?"

Jie Yiyi concentrated on looking at the road ahead. She heard his words, but she didn't reply.

"When did you get your driver's license?"

Jie Yiyi still didn't reply.

Yan Yifeng's face changed slightly, "Are you dumb?"

At this moment, Jie Yiyi stopped the car and looked at the villa outside the window.

"The Yan family has arrived!"

Although it was night, Jie Yiyi could still see it clearly. For three years, this place has not changed.

Yan Yifeng glanced out of the window, always feeling that time flies by a bit.

"Hmm." He responded lightly.

Then he opened the door and got out of the car, went out and came back, and handed him a check for 5 yuan.

Jie Yiyi glanced at the check and smiled.

If he had humiliated her like this before, she would have snatched the check and tore it up, but this time she didn't...

She took it because she felt that she deserved it. She didn't even have a meal after work, so she ran here to wait for him to revise the draft, and sent him home after the revision. This is what she deserved.

"Need change?"

Yan Yifeng looked at the smile on the corner of her mouth, and a strange emotion flashed in his heart.

Did Yan Yifeng let her go like this?
No, this is not what he wants to achieve.

"The 5 yuan is not for your fare, it's for... to sleep with you." He hooked the corner of his mouth, and then said, a woman in suspender pajamas came out from the villa, "Mr. Yan, why are you so late today?" Come back, I have been waiting for you for a long time~"

She said delicately, her big breasts that were about to come out were pressed against his arm, and then she shot a look into the car.

Jie Yiyi didn't dodge her gaze, but when she saw this person, she couldn't help but flirt, because it was the first time for her to see her at such a close distance, the popular singer—Xu Jiaojiao.

(End of this chapter)

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