Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 907 [Love's Bullying] Even Eats His Son's Jealousy~

Chapter 907 [Love's Bullying] Even Eats His Son's Jealousy~
Yifeng took it and glanced at Xu Jiaojiao, "If it was you, facing him, you once loved him and gave birth to a child for him, and he was in front of you, intimate with other women, what would you do?" What kind of mood?"

For these questions asked by Yan Yifeng, Xu Jiaojiao is no stranger to them. Who asked her to be in charge of this?

"That depends on whether she still loves you or not."

"If she loves you, she will definitely feel uncomfortable. If she doesn't love you, she won't care what you do."

Yan Yifeng drank the stomach medicine, "Then what do you think she felt when she saw this scene just now?"

After taking stomach medicine, Xu Jiaojiao continued to make medicine, which was for Yan Yifeng's insomnia at night, "She is very calm, with no expression on her face!"

"Although I'm a psychologist, I only glanced at her and didn't communicate with her directly. It's hard for me to tell what's going on in her heart. Don't you have dinner together at night? When you have a stomachache, what does she look like?" Emotions?"

Recalling that scene, Yan Yifeng still felt a dull pain in his heart, "Nervous, at a loss"

Xu Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right, then her heart must have hurt just now!"

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth curled into a sneering smile, "But she just pretended that!"

"Her acting skills are so realistic that I mistakenly think that she is really nervous about me!"


"Women are best at duplicity. The more they love, they won't show it. How do you know which one of her is acting and which one is real?"

"Heh! She told me herself!" Speaking of this, Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "In her heart, he is the only one! She only cares about him!"

The person he was talking about was Chenchen.

"Maybe it's because you are his father that you love him so much?"

"I think……"

When Chenchen was mentioned, Yan Yifeng became irritable. He put down the cup, "Increase the dose of medicine at night."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the room. Xu Jiaojiao shook her head helplessly, "In the past few weeks, the dose of medicine has been increased a lot, you can't go on like this. In fact, medicine is useless to you. Your There is only one person who can cure this disease!"

Yan Yifeng stopped.

Xu Jiaojiao continued, "Why bother yourself like this? Three years ago, she didn't leave you because she didn't love you, but between Chenchen and you. She could only choose one. She gave up on you because she didn't love you enough. , but, no matter at any time, every child is the most difficult piece of meat in the mother's heart."

"You, like uncle, are used to being cruel, and you may never understand..."

"Don't mention that disgusting name to me!" Yan Yifeng interrupted coldly.

The disgusting thing he said was strict, the one person he hated in this life.

Xu Jiaojiao smiled, "A woman can't stand waiting. No matter how much she loves you, she will change her feelings towards a person with the passage of time, the change of the world, and the numbness of her heart."

"Actually, whether she loves you or not, you can see from Zhizi's reports every time she is infatuated with you. In the past three years, she has never had contact with any man except Chenchen."

When Xu Jiaojiao said this, Yan Yifeng felt a little better, but when Chenchen was mentioned, he became possessive again, "Don't mention that little bastard's name to me!"

"Actually, you don't hate Chenchen at all, you even like it, but it's just a psychological mischief. You are jealous of him, you can get so much love, ha, Yan Shao, you really can't afford to hurt him, even your son's jealousy !"

(End of this chapter)

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