Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 908 [Love's Bullying] Demons are not easy to mess with

Chapter 908 [Love's Bullying] Demons are not easy to mess with
On the expressway, Jie Yiyi ran at the fastest speed.

One is thinking, to go back home soon, so that I can accompany Chenchen.

The second is that her mind is too messy now, and she needs to use this method to dilute her unbearable memories.

But the more this happened, the more confused her mind became. Several times just now, she almost hit the rear of someone else's car.

The mood was getting worse and worse. At this moment, she really wanted to stop the car and get down and yell a few times.

Yes, as soon as I had such an idea, there was a deafening bang in my ears.

The sound made her heart tremble. As soon as she panicked, her car turned off automatically.

Jie Yiyi thought it was a car crash, but when she turned around, she was the only car on this small road.

"what happened?"

Jie Yiyi asked herself, where did that loud noise just now come from?She looked left and right, the car was completely intact, but it just couldn't move...

After opening the door and getting out of the car, she realized that...the rear tire had blown~
  Depend on!This time she really wanted to raise her head and yell a few times, what kind of bad luck did she have?So many unsatisfactory things happened to her in one day?

Looking down at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Looking around again, it was pitch black, and the silence was creepy, the car couldn't move, and there was no spare tire in the car, she really wanted to die.

  Thinking of the scene where she was almost raped in the amusement park three years ago, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, a little panic... always felt that there were many bad guys ambushing around her.

Looking at the starless night sky, Jie Yiyi felt extremely sad in her heart.

A gust of cold wind blew away her heart. She was a little afraid that she would meet bad people here, so she got back into the car immediately, rolled up the windows and locked the doors, regardless of the tire blowout.

He took a deep breath, then told himself to calm down, and comforted himself that everything would be fine.

 After pumping herself up, Jie Yiyi took out her phone from her bag and scrolled the screen.

In her address book, there are very few contacts, only Zhizi, Jie Bailiang, and the phone numbers of a few clients she had contacted earlier.

 At this juncture, Jie Yiyi realized that she was really too lonely.

Apart from contacting Zhizi, she really couldn't think of anyone else she could contact?

In the past three years, Zhizi has helped her a lot, and gradually, she found that she has become more and more dependent on her.

When she clicked on Zhizi's phone, Jie Yiyi dialed it, and just when she was about to tell her about her current situation, the other party came back, which made her frantically reply, "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off~"

shut down?
  Jie Yiyi found hope in disappointment, and then saw despair in hope~
She seemed to hear the sound of blood spurting inside herself.

Ha ha……

  The only phone she could call for help turned off!She is so helpless, really helpless, she hates herself for being a fool tonight, knowing that Yan Yifeng deliberately asked her to come to Yan's house, and then made her coquettish with Xu Jiao, but she still sent him back without knowing what to do, now Well, kindness is not rewarded, but retribution!

   It really complied with Chenchen's words.

When Chen Chen blew Yan Yifeng's car tire that day, Jie Yiyi laughed wildly three times, saying that he deserved it, but after laughing, disaster befalls him immediately.

It seems that demons are really not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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