Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 909 [Love's Bullying] Urgently Need Your Rescue

Chapter 909 [Love's Bullying] Urgently Need Your Rescue
Yan Yifeng, who had just finished taking the medicine and was about to fall asleep, received a call from Bo An as soon as he lay down on the bed. He should have been angry when he came to disturb him at such a late hour, but when he heard that it was about Jie Yiyi , he patiently brought it up, "Say!"

"Miss Jie was on the way home, the car broke down, and now..."

"What? Something went wrong, where is she now? Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on her and escort her to the community safely?"

As soon as he heard the fault, Yan Yifeng's calmness and composure that he had practiced for many years disappeared at once, only anxiety.

A drop of sweat dripped from Bo An's forehead, but he didn't dare to refute, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, this is my fault. Next time, I will take advantage of Ms. Jie's inattention and replace her car with the best and most wear-resistant one." tire."

"A tire blown?"


Yan Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief. He mistakenly thought that something happened to Jie Yiyi, and he wanted to run out in his pajamas. When he walked to the door, he realized that the tire had blown out, so he came back, put on his suit, "tell me the address. Me, I'll be right there!"

After hanging up the phone, a slight smile appeared on Yan Yifeng's mouth, "Did you get retribution?"

This comeback came just in time, I love it!
Jie Yiyi was sitting in the car, and when she continued to flip through the address book, she saw a series of familiar numbers.

There is no name on that number, but in the past three years, no matter how many times she has changed her mobile phone or lost her card, he still exists.

Yes, just like in real life, he never showed his face, but he lived in her world all the time.

In the past three years, she has picked up the phone several times and wanted to dial the number, but she didn't have the courage after all. She took it down, took it down, deleted it and saved it again, deleted it and saved it again.

What's the use of deleting it?These things have been deeply branded in her heart, no matter how much she wipes them off, the imprints still exist clearly.

 Now, does she have to find him?

She didn't want to be so spineless, and would call him when she encountered a little trouble. If she called him, Yan Yifeng would definitely laugh at her again, saying that she deliberately used this method to attract his attention.

Ha ha……

Just when she was struggling, the cell phone rang suddenly, Jie Yiyi was startled, and then happy, she thought it was Zhizi who woke up at night, and saw her call answered her, unexpectedly, it was not, it was the caller That person was actually Jie Boliang.

It was only then that Jie Yiyi remembered that she was not really helpless, she could still find Jie Boliang, for these few years, she had always regarded him as her elder brother, and he also regarded her as her younger sister.

After picking up the phone, Jie Boliang's anxious voice came from over there, "Where are you now?"

"Chenchen called me and said that you went out at seven o'clock and didn't come back. He was worried that something would happen to you, so he called and asked me to find you. Why didn't you call me to come over when you went out? Chenchen is still a child , how do you rest assured that he is at home alone?"

Well, she admitted that her mother was really incompetent, and she only started to regret it now, she shouldn't leave Chenchen alone at home

But she can't take care of so many things now, and she is really thankful to have a living person appear in her world at this time, "Jie Bailiang, Chenchen and I represent the whole world, thank you and your family, Now you are driving out to XX road, my car has a flat tire, and I urgently need your rescue..."

(End of this chapter)

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