Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 914 [Love's Bullying] Lin Xi's 3 Years

Chapter 914 [Love's Bullying] Lin Xi's Three Years
Seeing that Lin Xi loves so hard and loves Yu Shaofan with all his heart, Lin's mother is not only dissatisfied, but even worse, suspecting that Lin Xi has an affair with others, and suspecting that the child in Lin Xi's belly is not his, this deeply angers her Mother Lin.

So when Lin Xi was about to give birth, she began to think of ways, no matter what, she had to let Lin Xi leave Yu Shaofan after the child was born.

She knew that if she told Lin Xi the truth directly, she would definitely not agree to herself, so she asked the doctor to cooperate. Dr. Sen and Dad Lin had a friendship, so when Lin's mother told these things, Dr. Sen hardly hesitated agreed.

Although Lin's mother knew from the beginning that she would choose the child between the child and herself, when Lin Xi really made the decision, Lin Xi still broke her heart. She was always thinking, if Lin Xi was real Dystocia, then, she will lose this daughter forever.

So this made her more determined not to let Lin Xi stay by Yu Shaofan's side...

   And when Lin Xi woke up and knew what her mother had done, she couldn't accept such deception.

Several times, she packed up and saluted, ready to go to Yu Shaofan and tell him that she was still alive.

However, Dr. Sen captured him every time.

At that time, she had just woken up and her body was still extremely weak, so she was locked in a room to receive medicine every day. There was everything in the room except one window. When she looked up, she could see the blue sky outside. The colorful Aegean Sea and the sound of the waves.

Therefore, she began to fantasize every day that she and Yu Shaofan took the baby to the beach to play.

There are too many fantasies, and I often start talking to myself, giggling, or in a daze, and I don’t eat or talk all day.

Dr. Sen re-examined her and found out that she was suffering from severe depression and hallucinations.
From then on, he didn't dare to shut her up like this every day, and would often take her out to the beach to relax and tell her some stories about psychological healing.

Because Dr. Sen prevented her from going to Yu Shaofan, Lin Xi always held a grudge. Every time he talked to her, she ignored him...but she would not run away like she did at the beginning, and wanted to see Yu Shaofan.

She suppressed that emotion in her heart, fell in love with him secretly, had a crush on him for five years, and stayed by his side for more than a year, but he never looked at her directly, except... When he was drunk and touched her, he was gentle to her However, he never treated her well again. He even suspected that she was not carrying his child when she was about to give birth...

When recalling these, her heart was already so cold...

Therefore, she began not to hate the choice her mother made for her, she began to live optimistically, and began to get used to the days without him. Although she misses her baby every day, she has learned to keep that longing in her heart forever.

As soon as the days passed, it was three years.

She began to like this place, and just when she was about to live here alone for the rest of her life, she suddenly had a dream that night.

She dreamed that Yu Shaofan found that she was still alive in this world, and took her daughter to search for her. She was afraid of being discovered, so she jumped into the Aegean Sea and died...

   Yu Shaofan would send someone to search for her, which proved that she still cared about her, but for Lin Xi, it was a nightmare.

After much difficulty, she got used to living alone and without him. She didn't want to fall into the sea of ​​fire and suffer pain like a thousand pieces...

She wants to live alone.

(End of this chapter)

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