Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 915 [Love's Bullying] Devil, please accept

Chapter 915 [Love's Bullying] Devil, please accept

Just as Lin Xi was immersed in her own world, a man's voice behind her suddenly broke in and interrupted her, "Lin Xi, it's time for dinner."

Lin Xi had no choice but to cut off her memories, and when she regained her senses, she slowly opened her eyes. At this time, the sun had set, and night was ushering in. Facing the sea breeze, there was a trace of satisfaction on her face.

Dr. Sen's words sounded behind her for a long time before she responded softly, "Yes."

Then continue to sit on the beach, looking at the gradually calming sea.

Dr. Sen is used to her saying so little.

As always, sit down next to her and ask her how she is feeling and how she is feeling today.

Lin Xi's answer was the same as yesterday, "It's beautiful."

Lin Xi's condition gradually improved, and Dr. Sen breathed a sigh of relief, "If you can maintain this state, you will recover soon. Starting tomorrow, I will gradually increase the dosage of your medicine. reduce."

Lin Xi replied simply, "Okay."

Then, she lowered her head and handed the book she was holding to Dr. Sen, "I've read all the books you gave me."

In fact, Dr. Sen is similar to Lin Xi, and he is also a quiet person.

He is rather indifferent and ruthless. Whatever he decides, Lin Xi must receive treatment in his own way. At first Lin Xi hated him very much, but after getting along with him gradually, he realized that he is actually a very kind doctor.

Dr. Sen took the book, with an uneasy smile showing on the corner of his mouth, "Very good, I will continue to prepare tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xi interrupted, "No need, I think my illness is already cured."

"Oh?" Dr. Sen was a little surprised by Lin Xi's words.

Lin Xi stretched, then stood up, "Yes."

"Last night, I had a dream. I dreamed that Yu Shaofan knew that I was still alive, and sent people everywhere to search for my whereabouts. Later, I jumped into the Aegean Sea."

Dr. Sen stood up, looking at Lin Xi's peaceful face, "So?"

"I think it's time for me to go home."

"I've been staying in the same country with him, even though I'm in the east and he's in the west, but because of this dream, I'm afraid that either he will come to me, or I can't help but look for him, so I want to go back to my country."

"Did Aunt Lin agree?"

Dr. Sen asked.

Lin Xi shook her head, "I don't think it's necessary to tell her."

"I'm no longer the Lin Xi I was three years ago. I can control many emotions, and I can decide many things by myself."

Dr. Sen pondered for a while, then nodded, "Yes. I'll book a ticket for you."

Why did Dr. Sen agree to Lin Xi's return to China?

She would think of returning to China, which proved that she had returned to normal.


Sitting in the car, Xiao Chenchen had just finished talking on the phone with Xiao Fanglian, and asked the devil about his itinerary at noon today.

It turns out that the devil is going to eat at the royal restaurant at noon today.

Oh, no, no, it should be said that I go to the Royal Restaurant, Box 11 to eat every day.

After knowing the devil's itinerary, Chenchen was secretly happy for a long time, and the evil things in his mind surfaced one after another.

Uh, by the way, Chenchen forgot to tell you why Xiao Fanglian knew about the devil's itinerary today, because the cousin of Xiao Fanglian's family is the little one who serves tea and water for the devil on the top floor of CE. Little assistant.

  Devil, it's time to test your feelings for Mommy...

Please take it~
(End of this chapter)

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