Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 917 [Love's Bullying] If you know too much, you will be shot

Chapter 917 [Love's Bullying] If you know too much, you will be shot

As soon as Chenchen reminded, Jie Yiyi thought, it was true.

She was so busy last night and asked him for help, but forgot to say thank you to him after helping, so what happened to her recently?Menopause is here, and I'm still busy and confused.

However, fortunately, Chenchen is by her side, and he reminds her of everything...

Touching Chenchen's head, Jie Yiyi smiled slightly, "Chenchen is still careful."

Looking up at Jie Bailiang, Jie Yiyi straddled her bag, "Then let's go."

Chenchen stuck to Jie Boliang's body like a gummy candy. Seeing Chenchen's continued coolness, he glared at him and communicated with him with his eyes, "What the hell are you trying to do again? Quickly and truthfully recruit him?"

He is so careful, the sky is about to fall, okay?Once, he didn't take his help for granted, but, then again, it was something he did willingly.

As soon as he came in and heard his alien language oh ha yo, he realized that something was wrong with this kid.

Could it be that there is no money to buy another toy?

No, if that's the case, this little guy wouldn't express it in this way, just send him the address, tell him which cabinet, what brand and what toy, let him buy it, he, Jie Sichen, has always been so domineering.

Chenchen pretended to be confused and shook his head, "No, Chenchen wants to thank you sincerely today."

"Ann, Chenchen is such a well-behaved child, don't always think so badly about him, okay? It's just a simple meal, take it easy, don't worry about it~"

"If you, Jie Sichen, were a good boy, everyone in the world would be wiped out!"

"→_→If you know too much, you will be dragged away and shot."

With a restless heart, Jie Boliang brought Chenchen and Jie Yiyi to the Royal Restaurant.

When Jie Yiyi got out of the car, she was a little familiar with the environment here, and only after entering did she realize that this was the place she had been to last night.
That guy Chenchen really knows how to choose a place.

When you come here, your appetite will suddenly decrease, okay?

But Chenchen had never been to this kind of place, and seeing him seemed very excited, she thought about changing restaurants.

As soon as he entered Chenchen's restaurant, Chenchen immediately found a seat by the window and sat down, then picked up the menu and began to order.

 That domineering look is like saying, you can just do whatever you want, I will be the host today.

Jie Yiyi handed Jie Boliang a menu, "What do you want to eat?"

As soon as Jie Boliang was about to take the menu, Chenchen immediately stopped him, "Uncle Boliang, I know what I like, and I know what Mommy likes, so I'll order today's dish."

Chenchen was flipping through the set menu.

Jie Boliang heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched... he couldn't help but despise his dandruff to the soles of his feet, what he said seemed as sweet as the truth.

Chen Chen searched and searched, and finally found a set meal that suits them.

Parent-child package, the kind of package specially provided for a family of three.

Chenchen told Jie Yiyi, "Mum, I think this set meal is the most suitable for the three of us."

Seeing that it was a parent-child package, Jie Yiyi asked for it, and there was something wrong with this little guy.

   And Jie Boliang roughly guessed his purpose of ordering this meal, hey, he suddenly felt like running away...

Seeing that Jie Yiyi didn't answer, Chenchen waved his hands and asked the waiter to come over, "Doesn't Mommy like this set meal?"

(End of this chapter)

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