Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 918 [Love's Bullying] The Devil is Behind

Chapter 918 [Love's Bullying] The Devil is Behind

"Uh..." Jie Yiyi glanced at Jie Bailiang. In fact, she thought it was nothing. Compared with other dishes, the parent-child set meal was indeed cheaper. Moreover, these dishes happened to be her favorite, but today is When she invited Jie Boliang to dinner, she naturally had to ask him what he meant first...

Chenchen understood Jie Yiyi's meaning, he turned sideways, looked at Jie Boliang's handsome face, "Uncle Bo Liang, I'll give you five seconds to protest..."

Before Jie Bailiang could speak, Chenchen said, "One to five, the protest time has expired, the waiter serves the food." "

He swallowed his words naturally, and looking at Chenchen, he seemed to see in his eyes the little pride he had hidden for a long time.

This brat looked innocent and harmless, but sitting beside him now made him feel a little chilly.

After ordering food, Chenchen kept looking at the time on his phone and the crowd passing by outside the window.

It's been a long time since the shadow of the devil appeared, Chenchen was thinking, the damn little square face, could it be just fooling him casually?
It's almost one o'clock, why hasn't the devil appeared yet?

In case the devil doesn't come, Uncle Bai Liang will earn money for this meal.

Although he, Jie Sichen, was not a stingy person, he was not too generous. A meal in the royal restaurant would cost hundreds of dollars, and his heart and flesh were bleeding at the same time.

Although the atmosphere was a little stiff just now, it was quickly broken by Jie Yiyi, who chatted with Jie Bailiang about work.

Chenchen looked out of the window anxiously, drank a few glasses of plain water, okay?

Well, after drinking so much water, I started holding back my urine.

It took less than a few minutes to go to the toilet, but Chenchen was afraid that once he went to the toilet, he would miss out on the excitement.

When they got to the toilet, Chenchen urinated and called Xiao Fanglian angrily, "Damn you, you dare to lie to me, I will wait until the urine pipe is about to burst, and I haven't waited for the devil to show up, so prepare the money immediately , Come here and pay me, otherwise I will report to the police and arrest you, accusing you of spreading rumors!"

Xiao Fang's face was full of tears, "I didn't spread rumors."

"My cousin told me this from the bottom of her heart just now. You are waiting patiently. Maybe the devil is about to appear."

"At this point, I can only be Jiang Zi, and I will settle the score with you later."

After hanging up the phone, Chenchen returned to the seat by the window and sat down. By this time, the food had already been served.

The parent-child package looks really warm and full of love, and a photo of the family of three will be included later.

It's a pity... Chenchen glanced at Jie Boliang with some disgust, this is not his father.

"Why doesn't Chenchen eat?"

Jie Yiyi cut a piece of meat and put it on his plate.

Chenchen was a little depressed after eating.

Jie Boliang also kept watching out the window, seeing that the target did not appear, he was secretly pleased.

Seeing the corner of Jie Boliang's mouth slightly curled up at the paralyzed Chenchen smiling, Jie Yiyi frowned, "Jie Boliang, what are you laughing at?"

"What are you not laughing at?" Jie Bailiang replied, Jie Yiyi didn't understand Chenchen's mind, so of course he was puzzled.

Chenchen stared at him from the side, it's okay not to stare, but he stared at the bunker, because the devil is behind him...

It turned out that Xiao Fanglian didn't lie to him, but they came a step late, the devil had already finished eating and paid the bill, and was about to leave.

Fortunately, he chose a position near the door. The demons must pass through the gate when they go out. Unless the demons are blind, they will definitely see their existence.

No, the devil is walking towards this side with handsome steps.

(End of this chapter)

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