Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 922 [Love's Bullying] The Legendary Disgusting Kiss

Chapter 922 [Love's Bullying] The Legendary Disgusting Kiss
 As soon as Yan Yifeng's possessiveness came up, Jie Yiyi struggled in vain, being kissed and touched, touched and touched, if she was not still on the street, Jie Yiyi's whole body would have been naked.

   She planned that as soon as he let go, she would immediately slap him and run for her life~
But looking at that handsome and flawless face, she still couldn't keep fighting.

After Yan Yifeng left her lips, he continued to move down, biting her lock a few times before releasing her, "This is punishment, if something like that happens again next time, you and your son are finished!"

   After speaking, he got up, unscrewed the bottle of mineral water, and began to gargle in various ways.

Jie Yiyi sat up slowly, arranging her broken hair and clothes, seeing Yan Yifeng's shyness, she suddenly felt like laughing.

It seems that Yan Yifeng still minded, she drank the spoonful of soup that Jie Bailiang handed over.

In fact, she wanted to say that the spoon didn't belong to Jie Boliang at all, it belonged to Chenchen...

   Now that he was disgusted, she decided to keep this little secret in her heart forever.

Disgusting her forever.

"It's just a spoonful of soup, why are you so disgusting? Oh, I forgot to tell you, when I kissed me last night, I just finished kissing him."

Yan Yifeng paused to rinse his mouth.

His face, which had just recovered, immediately darkened, and anger rushed straight to his eyebrows.

Jie Yiyi hooked her mouth and shrugged her shoulders meaninglessly, "So, it's time for you to have your stomach washed!"

Jie Yiyi just said it disgusted him, but in the end, Jie Boliang was shot while lying down.

Yan Yifeng sent someone to him.

Jie Yiyi was extremely speechless.

Just as the hair was done, Yan Yifeng rushed over again, Jie Yiyi's chest tightened, "What are you doing?"

Yan Yifeng's eyes were dark, and the corner of his mouth evoked a satanic and terrifying smile, "What are you doing? You, you!"

"Uh..." The chin was pinched fiercely, Jie Yiyi wanted to kick with her feet, but was firmly pressed down by him, his strength was amazing, Jie Yiyi was suddenly paralyzed by the toss, and gave up struggling.

Seeing that he was going to kiss him, Jie Yiyi asked, "I have his saliva on my mouth, if you kiss me now, you will be sick to death!"

Yes, and only by saying that, he let himself go.


Yan Yifeng responded flatly, "Anyway, it's already disgusting, I don't mind being more disgusting, anyway, I'm sick with you with me!"

Immediately afterwards, there was another passion in the car.

It doesn't matter that Yan Yifeng is superb, but his flirting skills are still so...

She almost fell under his suit pants, but fortunately, she tried her best to control herself.

When she woke up again, she was already on the sofa in Yan Yifeng's office.

Jie Yiyi took out the tissue and wiped her swollen lips vigorously, while Yan Yifeng was extremely proud.

"What did you bring me here for?"

"Chenchen is still in the western restaurant! I don't have time to watch your silly smile like an idiot right now."

I haven't seen you for three years. This damn woman has a lot of vicious mouth.

However, he was too lazy to talk nonsense to her, and he recovered his seriousness, "Of course it's work."

Work?Jie Yiyi smiled, "But I'm not your employee."

"But I'm your client!"

"so what?"

"Stay here and revise the manuscript!"
"I didn't bring the manuscript with me. I'm in the studio. I have to go back and get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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